5 Ways To Check DU SIM Number

Du Sim
Du Sim

When you get a new SIM card, it’s easy to forget what phone number was paired with the device. People who live in Dubai (or any other country) can’t use DU SIM because their plans are so cheap and they can activate any type of plan. Here, I’ll show you how quickly you can find out if your owner’s name has been linked or not.

How to Check DU Number

Below are three verified methods to check DU sim number easily:

1st Method: Give a Miss Call to Identify your SIM Card Number

The easiest way for someone to find out your phone number is to miss call you, call or text someone you care about, and then check. If that doesn’t work, try method three: send an SMS (or call) from another device with the same service provider as yours. If they don’t answer, go straight to voicemail so you can hear how much money has already been left there.

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2nd Method: Check Number on SIM Box

First, you need to look in the SIM Card box you bought at the store. If you remember, there is a number with your full S/N and name on it. If you don’t, skip this step and come back later for more help with processing new cards.

3rd Methos: Use Short Code

You can also use a short USSD code to check if your SIM number is working on the Du network. After you dial *116# and wait for 1–2 seconds, you’ll be able to see it as text, like “Your Mobile Number.

4th Method: Use DU App

Yes, you can use an app to check the number. “DU,” DU’s new mobile service, is sleek and easy to use. It lets you manage your packages and see calls from other people on your account without having to scroll through all of their messages one by one.

If I already have an account for this set up on my laptop, it will automatically sync with what I’m doing here. If not, new users will need to enter their SIM card information to create a personal Profile page before they can use extra features like checking history or sending SMS text messages (back and forth texting).

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5th Method: Call the Helpline

In UAE, DU is a well-known network. With locations all over the country, you might think there would be more than one way to find out about your phone number or SIM card number. Go to the store or franchise that is closest to you. You can also call them at 0097143905555, which is their helpline number.

How to Save & Remember your Mobile Number

Have trouble writing down or remembering your phone number? Check out these steps that will make it easier for you to remember and save it.

Make it easy to type

Make sure that your phone number is written in the way that most people do, which is on a keypad. For example, 0321223334 would be a good number instead of 31296590 or 0102547862.

Add a memorable pattern

You can give each number in your phone number a unique pattern. For example, you could add the sequence 3-2-1 to the end of your number to make it your own.

Make it part of your contact’s name

Try to add your phone number as a contact’s name if you can. You can call it (032) 1223334 or (032) Joseph Johnson, for example, to make it easier to find.

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Keep it on your speed dial

If you don’t want to have to remember or type phone numbers, you could put them on your phone’s speed dial.

Ask for help

If you still can’t write down or remember your phone number, you might want to ask your family or friends for help.

So, that’s all! These steps should have helped you save and remember your phone number.