How to Save Photos and Videos from Instagram resizeimage resizeimage

Whether you’re looking for a way to save a copy of the photo you just edited in Instagram, or you want to save photos from some people or pages, download a photo on your mobile, and find how to do it a bit difficult.

Instagram has some useful features that make downloading your own photos and tagging photos of other users easy, but it prevents you from being able to download any images at the end as you would be saving a picture from a regular Web page or from Facebook, so we’ll give you Easy way to save pictures.

How To Save Images Using FastSave

The application we will give you today is a great and easy application use and you can use it as follows:

  1. Download the FastSave application on your phone.

2. We activate the application by activating the FastSave service

3. Click on the open Instagram icon that will convert you directly to your Instagram.

4. Go to any picture we want to save on the phone and then click on three points at the top of the image, then click on copy link

Then the app will download the image directly onto the gallery application in a folder named FastSave.

You can also see the images you have saved in the application by pressing my download.

  How to move all your Facebook photos to Google Photos with just 1 click

Then your saved photo file is dashed after my saved.


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