How to use Zoom on iPhone

Zoom On Iphone
Zoom On Iphone

Tips on how to use Zoom on iPhone. Zoom has become one of the most popular web conferencing services for keeping friends, family, and colleagues connected despite being physically remote. You can send and receive Zoom calls on your computer desktop, but instead of being tied to a desk, it’s often easier to use the service on a mobile device like the iPhone. Here’s how to use Zoom on iPhone, including how to join a Zoom call and how to start one.

How to join a call using the Zoom iPhone app

While anyone can initiate a Zoom call and invite others, more often than not, you’ll likely find yourself joining other people’s Zoom calls. It’s really easy to join, as you don’t need a Zoom account to join a meeting. Simply enter the meeting ID and password in the Zoom app on your iPhone.

1. If you haven’t already, install the Zoom app on your iPhone.

2. Join the meeting. If someone has emailed you a Zoom meeting invitation, tap the Meeting link in the email invitation. The Zoom app should launch.

3. If you don’t have a link but someone sent you the meeting ID, launch the Zoom app, and then tap Join a meeting. Enter the meeting ID and then tap Join. Next, you’ll also need to enter the meeting password.

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4. In the Zoom app, you will need to choose whether to allow Zoom to use the camera (if you want to be seen in Zoom meetings, tap OK). After you authorize the app to use the camera, you will see the Video Preview screen.

5. To hide your room wallpaper, tap the Plus sign at the bottom of the screen, and choose a background image to place behind you. When you’re happy, tap Done.

6. Choose if you want to participate with or without video.

7. After a moment, the meeting host should admit you to the meeting.

8. You may be asked if you want to use Internet Audio. If you want to be heard in the meeting, tap Call Using Internet Audio.

You’re in a meeting now; you can see others and speak to participate. If you need to see the meeting options, tap the screen. At the bottom of the screen, you can tap options to stop the phone’s camera, mute the microphone, and share content like the screen, a photo, or a website with meeting participants. To chat privately with a meeting participant, tap Attendees and then tap the person you want to chat with.

9. To end the call, tap Exit at the top of the screen.

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How to use Zoom on iPhone to start a meeting

If you want to host your Zoom meeting, you need to create a Zoom account. You can do this in a web browser on your desktop computer or in the Zoom app. If you haven’t already, install the Zoom app on your iPhone, then tap Sign Up or Sign In at the bottom of the app screen and follow the prompts to create an account or log in with your existing Zoom account credentials.

1. To create a meeting, tap New meeting at the top of the screen (you can also tap Schedule to start a meeting later).

2. On the Start a meeting screen, tap Start a meeting.

3. Choose Call Using Internet Audio to allow other meeting participants to hear from you.

4. At the bottom of the screen, tap Attendees.

5. Tap Invite and, from the pop-up menu, choose how you want to invite other attendees. The simplest methods are to send an email or send a text message.

When the recipients receive the invitation, they can go to the lobby, and then you can admit them to the meeting. In the dialog at the top of the screen, tap Admit. If you unfortunately close this dialog, tap Attendees, then tap Admit next to anyone waiting to join.

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