How To Save Your Personal Data From Tracking?


Reports have it that huge companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook are actually collecting your personal data. If true, then this is not a good thing because no one knows how the data could be used, who will be able to access it, and if it will affect our freedom. To help you avoid all these questions marks, let’s show you How To Save Your Personal Data From Tracking?:

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How Can I Prevent Google From Using My Personal Information?

The simplest and easiest way to prevent Google from using your personal info is to get rid of your Google account.

However, we know how important Google Accounts are these days, so rather than deleting it, we have highlighted the ways you can neuter your Google Account so that you can keep having it without bothering your head about the data-collecting risk.

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How Can I Stop Google From Collecting More Data?

The first solution is to prevent Google from collecting more data about you. To get this done, you will need to tweak some things in “Activity Control” and “Ad Settings.” See what you should know below:

How Can I Work With “Activity Controls”?

Google monitors all your activities on the web, how different apps are used, your location history, phone information, voice and audio activity, YouTube watch and search history. To disable all these things, just pause the web and app activity.

As soon as you disable them, you are not deactivating the location services, you are actually telling Google that they cannot continue monitoring your device.

How Can I Work With Ad Settings?

Google’s main goal is to make sure customers have access to the most relevant adverts. According to Google, the best adverts will actually make you buy something. Google makes this happen by customizing the adverts to fit your precise need.

By disabling the ad personalization, you can get then rid of Google’s mind control power over you. On top of that, you must also deactivate “Shared Endorsements” which will show you purchasing suggestions according to what others have purchased.

How Can I Make Changes In Privacy Checkup?

This is where Google allows you to set your preferred privacy settings. It covers Ad Settings and Activity Controls and other privacy settings for pictures and YouTube. As soon as you are in this section, make a proper review of the security check-up and get rid of apps and devices that are old school or the ones you know nothing about. Remove all those app permission that will cease to be important.

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How Can I Delete The Data Already There?

Make use of Google Takeout to back up anything you want to keep. As you do this, you can choose the data to add. It is possible to export a copy of the backup and even manage your archives. Beneath “My Activity,” Google monitors all the data about you. By heading there, the information they have about you will be visible. Head to “Delete Activity By . . .” and choose “All Time” and then tap “Delete.”

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