How To Add Third-Party Email Accounts To Gmail App on iPhone or iPad

How To Add Third party Email Accounts To Gmail App on iPhone or iPad
How To Add Third party Email Accounts To Gmail App on iPhone or iPad
How To Add Third-Party Email Accounts To Gmail App on iPhone or iPad

Google’s popular email service”Gmail” recently updated to support third-party email accounts. What this means is that you can now add third-party email (emails you created with other email services) to Gmail. What’s better? You can do this in the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad.

Once you have added your email account hosted with iCloud, Outlook, Yahoo or other IMAP email accounts to the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad, you will be able to manage the account alongside your Google account. You can also remove the account from the Gmail app at any time you want.

How To Add Third-party Email Accounts To Gmail App on iPhone or iPad

  1. First off, go to the App Store and download the latest version of the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad. If you already have the app on your device, make sure its updated to the latest version.
  2. Open the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad.
  3. Next, sign into your Gmail account if you haven’t already.
    • Note – Just in case you use Google apps on your iOS device, then Google account will be listed. Simply toggle the switch next to your Google account. Next, tap on the option to. Add account and then skip the remaining steps to step 7 below.
  4. Tap on the menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  5. Next, tap on the tiny down arrow button right beside your email address.
  6. Next, tap on the “Manage accounts” option.
  7. On the screen that comes up, tap on the “Add account” button.
  8. Next, select the email service hosting the third-party email you want to add.
  9. Next, enter your email account details and log into your account.
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That is all.

You have now successfully added your third-party email to the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad. The messages you receive on the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad are kept separately for each account. You can easily switch between those accounts. Read on to learn how.

How to Switch Accounts in Gmail on iPhone and iPad

To learn how to switch between accounts in in Gmail on iPhone or iPad, follow the steps below.

  1. Launch the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Next, tap on the menu icon at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. To check other accounts on the Gmail app, tap on the arrow pointing down which is on the right side of the username of the email account you are currently using.
  4. Next, tap on the account you want to switch to.

That is all.

No longer want to keep a third-party email account on the Gmail app on your iOS device anymore? No problem. You can easily remove it from the app. Read on to learn how.

You need to know that when you remove an account from the Gmail app, all unsaved data will be lost. The unsaved data will be removed from the Gmail app and all other Google apps on your iPhone or iPad.

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How to Remove Third-Party Email Account from Gmail on iPhone and iPad

  1. First off, launch the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Next, you need to tap on the menu icon at the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Tap on the arrow pointing down which is on the right side of the username of the email account you are currently using.
  4. Tap on “Manage accounts.”
  5. Now, you can easily delete the account. To delete the account continue with the following steps.
  6. Tap on edit and then tap on Remove.
  7. Finally, tap on Remove in the pop-up to confirm the action.

That is all.

Wrapping Up

So, adding and managing third-party Gmail accounts with the Gmail app on your iPhone or iPad is as easy as that. So what do you think about this new feature? Share your views in the comments section below.


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