7 Best Klout Alternatives: Free and Paid Online Influence tools

    Social Media Influencer
    Social Media Influencer

    Why would anyone want to look for Klout alternatives? It is for the same reasons that many people get tired of what is called a monopoly, making them look for something that is related but different in some aspects. For those who’ve always known and stuck to Klout, there are other interesting platforms out there that may even serve you better in some aspects than Klout can.

    For this reason, and for others best known to people who often look for Klout alternatives, I have made a diligent search and found some platforms that can offer you what you get from Klout – maybe more. Take note that these are either free or paid tools.

    Let’s begin.

    1. Popsters

    People love this tool because it is very convenient. However, that’s not the reason I mention it first. Neither does it mean this is the best Klout alternative. It depends on the user.

    The good thing here is that Popsters has more functionality for the analysis of accounts in social networks than Klout. Do you know that it works with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Coub, Flickr, Tumblr, and others?

    Features of Popsters

    • Sort posts by likes, reposts, comments. It allows you to find the most popular items on the platform.
    • Displays general indicators of the impact of content.
    • Users can determine a period for analysis or download publications.
    • You can export data in various formats.
    • It gives the ability to find the best content using hashtags, or phrases. Users can also use filters to sort out content.

    Click here to visit Popsters

    2. Peerindex


    Many people use PeerIndex to calculate their online influence. You may use it to know your “social capital” or the influence of the company you work for, or for other things as well. PeerIndex, Klout, and Kred are very much similar in the way they make use of ranking.

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    Features of PeerIndex:

    • Your content and the people who see them will determine your PeerIndex
    • It explores the quality of your information.
    • Displays your scores from main social networks.
    • It looks at the quality of what you share and finds the quality of reposts, retweets, and other things such as likes.
    • The tool favors organizations rather than individuals.
    • There’s a reward system in which your ratings determine the number of rewards you get. The rewards come in form of products from other companies.

    Click here to visit PeerIndex

    3. Zoho Social


    Fans use this platform for implementing effective marketing ideas in social networks. When you think about Zoho, think of Hootsuite, YouScan, and other tools like those. That’s not to say it is not a Klout alternative. When you make use of Zoho, it can help you increase activities together with proper planning for posting messages. You can effectively plan to publish content and such content will reach your targets at the right moment.

    Features of Zoho Social:

    • Use SmartQ technology to plan your posts.
    • Shorten links anyhow you want.
    • Include brands with references.
    • Type phrases to find related activities on the network.
    • It works with top social networks.
    • Users can see reports, content analysis, and other metrics.

    Click here to visit Zoho Social

    4. Sprout Social

    This one is has been around and also been the favorite of social media enthusiasts. It is no doubt one of the best alternatives to Klout. If you are involved in managing several social media brands, Sprout is a tool you need to test because it could be the best you ever used.

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    Features of Sprout Social:

    • You can create posts and schedule them for posting on social media at a later time.
    • You are able to effortlessly generate reports on engagement
    • You can check out analytics.
    • Use it to publicize posts.
    • Use it to monitor brands at once.

    Price – Free for one month, after that pay for it, starting at $99 a month.

    Click here to visit Sprout Social

    5. Commun

    This tool is special in that people who are ardent Twitter users can have an effective means of scheduling posts, managing followers, or people being followed. Commun enables the effective collation of social insights through a dashboard. Although it is still good for analyzing other social networks, Twitter comes first.

    Features of Commun:

    • Good for analytics of social networks.
    • Effective team and content functionality.
    • Good for uploading multiple images.
    • Able to repeat posts for recycling sakes.
    • It will calculate and show you the best posting schedule.

    Pricing: Starts at $19.99 to $117.99 per month.

    Click here to visit Commun

    6. Getstacker

    You may use this tool for publishing posts and replying to contacts on various social media. As well as other tools in the category help you to compose messages that target a particular audience and reach them at the right time. When it comes to saving precious time, Getstacker is good.

    Features of Getstacker:

    • Make a schedule to spread your posts on various social networks at the proper time. There is an auto-scheduling tool on the website for this.
    • You are able to respond to those who write on your wall, or those who mention you.
    • Invite co-workers to share in tasks.
    • Boost your social engagements in autopilot mode.
    • You can analyze statistics on the content you publish.
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    Getstacker is available in free and paid modes. The free version will only make Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest available to you. To remove the restriction, you have to upgrade.

    Pricing: Starts from $10 to $250 per month

    Click here to visit Getstacker

    7. Socialbakers

    It works majorly for Facebook, Twitter, Twitter, YouTube, and others. It is also a good Klout alternative. This tool is able to track not only page content but also tracks ad metrics as well.

    Features of Socialbakers:

    • See graphs on social networks.
    • Create posts and schedule them for future posting.
    • It tracks statistics of what you post.
    • It tracks the effectiveness of Facebook ads. Once you compare, it helps you to know if you can keep spending money on ads on Facebook.
    • Works with multiple social networks.

    Click here to visit Socialbakers


    People who use Klout are looking for at least four basic amenities.

    • They want to schedule posts and share them at the same time on various social networks.
    • They want to know how their efforts are effective on all social networks.
    • They want to gain more influence on social media in as short as possible a time.
    • They want to spend less time doing more and getting, if possible, more than twice the results they would get if they were not on these influencer platforms.

    If you’re looking for these benefits, take your time to operate with these Klout alternatives. Used well, it won’t be long for you to start seeing the results you were craving for.