Blackview has launched a new Smartwatch after the long expectation. The company debut the Blackview X5 smartwatch with quite some amazing features and a 50% discount price of $29.99. This new affordable Smartwatch provides accurate sleep monitoring, activity counter, and heart rate monitor.

Blackview X5 Smartwatch Design And Features

In terms of design, the smartwatch is not looking that bad and we cant also compare it with other flagship smartwatches from Apple and Samsung. The body design is great but not that attractive.

However, it comes with an IP68 certification. This is to say, users can swim, and take shower without worrying about the new watch. It offers a large battery capacity of 260 mAh that promises to last for 10 days on a single charge.

What’s more, well, the Blackview X5 is also preloaded with plenty of health and fitness features such as heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, activity monitor, sedentary reminder, and more. It can effectively track 9 sports modes to keep stock of your daily activity.

Blackview X5
Blackview X5

Blackview X5 Specs

On the specification, it packs a 1.3″ HD circular display made of protected with tempered glass. The smartwatch is made of different UI dials for more usability. Furthermore, there are some utility features such as showing weather, controlling the camera, and receiving text and call notifications right from your smartphone once it’s connected.

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The display can auto turns on upon raising your wrist. You can use the Smartwatch along with your smartphone to keep track of your physical activities and get other information handy.

Blackview X5 Smartwatch Price And Availability

The Blackview X5 will sell for $29.99 and you can grab it in Black and Orange colors. In Nigeria, it will cost about 12,000 Naira. Potential buyers can get the device on the website or other online retailers in the country.

Where To Buy Blackview X5 Smartwatch

  • GearBest | See Offers, Click Here!
  • Aliexpress | See Offers, Click Here!


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