Chat on WhatsApp without coming online

Chat on whatsapp without coming online
Chat on whatsapp without coming online

In this article, we will show you how to reply to WhatsApp messages without showing your contacts that you are online.

Surely one of the forms of communication that you use most today is instant messaging through applications and social networks. This type of communication can be a great advantage when communicating with people or friends who are on the other side of the planet.

However, not everything is as beautiful as it seems, since in many cases being connected with these types of applications, we will always be “available” for all our contacts.

When we chat on WhatsApp, you will have realized that despite the confirmation of reading disabled and the blue control deactivated, at the top the writing that we are online continues to appear.

It can often happen that you want to have a conversation inside the App, but we prefer that other contacts do not know that we are online. If this is your case, we explain below how to maintain a conversation on WhatsApp without appearing online within the App.

One of the options to be able to send and receive messages via WhatsApp without appearing online and without downloading any application is as follows.

How to use Whatsapp chat without being online

The first thing you should do is disable the connections on your phone. To do this you must put it in Airplane mode.

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Once the Airplane mode is activated, you must open WhatsApp and write the message you want to send to the person you want to talk to. You will see a clock appear next to the sent message.

Now you have to deactivate the airplane mode. Your message will be sent as soon as the connection is restored, but you will not appear online.

In case you receive a message and you want to read it, but without accessing WhatsApp and being online, you can repeat the same procedure to access the App remaining undetected.

This is the simple and classic way to read and send messages without appearing online on WhatsApp.

How to chat on WhatsApp without appearing online with UnSeen Ninja

In the event that the previous method does not convince you, there is an app that facilitates our work. We must bear in mind that any third-party application can be dangerous and be aware of the data we provide.

The first thing to do is download the UnSeen Ninja application.

Next, you need to enable access to notifications for the WhatsApp app.

To start a conversation with someone, that person must first chat with you on WhatsApp to appear in the UnSeen Ninja app.

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Once they have written to you, you will be able to respond and maintain a conversation from UnSeen Ninja without having to connect to WhatsApp and without appearing as connected.

In this way, you will be able to talk with the contacts you want on WhatsApp without having to connect to the App and without the others know that you are online.


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