How to Close All Tabs at Once in Safari on iPhone or iPad Running iOS 13 and iOS 12

Open Settings and Tap on Safari in iOS 13
Open Settings and Tap on Safari in iOS 13

Safari is one of the most widely used browsers on both iPhones and iPads. When users visit a website using their browsers, they just press the Home button when they are done leaving the tabs open in the browser. This then results in many tabs getting piled up. Fortunately, there is an easy method which users can use to close all tabs in Safari at once in iOS 13. Safari introduced this feature since iOS 10 and since then, it has turned out to be really useful.

Closing tabs one by one may turn out to be tedious and as such, Safari made some improvements in closing all tabs at once in iOS 12. In iOS 13, however, you actually don’t have to do anything to close all your tabs. This can be done automatically given you have selected the necessary options.

How to Automatically Close All Tabs at Once in Safari in iOS 13 on iPhone

On previous iOS versions, you had to launch the Safari app on your iPhone to be able to close all tabs. In iOS 13, however, you can make Safari do this on its own via the Settings app.

  1. Go to the Settings app and then tap on Safari.
  2. Next, tap on Close Tabs.
  3. Now, you should see 4 options on the screen including Manually, After One Day, After One Week, and After One Month.
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If you select the “Manually” option, you would need to go to the Safari app and then close all tabs using the same steps you used in iOS 12.

If you still run iOS 12 or lower on your iPhone, you can follow the steps below.

How to Close All Safari Tabs at Once in iOS 12 or Earlier on iPhone or iPad

  1. Launch the Safari app.
  2. Next, tap and hold on the Tabs icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Now, four options will appear on the screen. Select the “Close All [Number] Tabs” to close all tabs.
  4. You can also tap and hold the Done button. It will then display the option to close all the open tabs.

That’s all!

If you have any questions, make sure to drop them below.


  1. Yes, but now on iOS 13 you get an “are you sure?” message which adds another small but irritating step! iOS 12 just did the job- done ✅
    This is NOT an upgrade IMHO


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