Disable automatic maintenance Windows 10

Windows 10 Maintenance
Windows 10 Maintenance

Many will wonder why they should disable Windows 10 automatic maintenance if it performs tasks that can be useful, but the truth is that for many users it can become more of a problem than something useful.

Windows has an automatic maintenance function that runs periodically and takes care of some important tasks such as updating applications, security scans, or running system diagnostic tests. By default, it runs every day at 2:00 am, but you can configure it anytime you want.

However, the automatic maintenance of Windows 10 can interfere with our work, since it can cause the system to restart when you least expect it, but it can also start certain processes that run in the background and affect the performance of the computer or make our computer stop. turns on or off more slowly.

However, Windows 10 does not offer a way to easily disable it, so we will show below the steps you need to follow to disable automatic maintenance in Windows 10.

How to disable automatic maintenance of Windows 10

Automatic maintenance is a feature that is enabled by default and there is also a predefined schedule to perform this maintenance without the user noticing. Microsoft warrants that this feature does not affect the performance of the computer in any way and may even act at times when the computer is not being used.

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Although we try to take the utmost care to ensure that our computer is in good condition, small problems can appear resulting from a lack of internal care, such as not ensuring that everything is up to date or not frequently running an antivirus to check for malware. To improve performance even if you don’t mind it, there is the automatic maintenance feature in Windows.

But, if you are one of those who prefer to check for application updates, you have your own security software, you don’t want this type of activity to run on your computer or this feature is affecting your computer’s performance, these are the steps to disable automatic maintenance in Windows 10.

Check if Windows 10 automatic maintenance is enabled

The first thing we need to check is if Windows 10 automatic maintenance is enabled or not, when was the last run date, and at what time. You can see all this from your computer’s control panel.

  • Go to Start on your computer bar
  • Find Control Panel
  • Choose the System and Security option 
  • Once here, choose Security and Maintenance at the top
  • Open the Maintenance section to see the options

Here you will see the date and time of the last automatic maintenance and you can click “Start Maintenance” if you want me to start doing it manually.

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Change or configure the Windows 10 automatic maintenance schedule

After seeing the previous steps, we can configure the maintenance to choose the time we want it to run. To do this, the steps are:

  • Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the launch bar
  • Choose the System and Security section
  • Open Security and Maintenance, as in the previous case
  • Here, click on Maintenance to see the options
  • Tap “Change maintenance settings”

Here you will see a drop-down menu with all the hours of the day and you can choose at what time you want the automatic maintenance to be performed daily. Just go to “Run daily maintenance tasks at…” and choose the time from the drop-down menu. Set a time when you know you won’t mind if it happens.

Disable automatic maintenance of Windows 10

You cannot cancel Windows automatic maintenance from your computer because the operating system does not allow this option by default. 

But we can do it with a “trick” that will help us deactivate it. The steps could be a little more complex than the previous ones.

To disable automatic maintenance in Windows 10, just perform the following procedure:

  1. Enter regedit (or Registry Editor) in the search box.
  2. At the User Account Control prompt, click Yes.
  3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Schedule \ Maintenance.
  4. Add a new 32-bit DWORD, call it MaintenanceDisabled, and assign it a hexadecimal value of 1. NOTE- Even in the case of a 64-Bit operating system, a 32-bit DWORD must always be created.
  5. Save, close, and restart your PC/tablet.
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To reactivate the Maintenance process, just go back to the same registry key and change the DWORD value from 1 to 0.


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