Fast Charging Explained; Everything You Need To Know About Fast Charging

    QC 2 new
    QC 2 new

    We’ve been seeing and hearing of Fast Charging also known as Quick charging but do we really know what it is and how it works? Let us find out.

    Over the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of advancement in the mobile phone industry; Dual and even triple cameras, lesser bezels and edge to edge display, on-screen Fingerprint sensors, Face ID, etc. Some of these features are to be considered when searching for a Phone to get these days. However, One feature that has become a necessity for most people looking for a smart phone to buy will be the Fast Charging feature.

    Almost all phone High-end and some budget phones come with one type of fast charging or the other. Different phone makers as well have SoC manufacturers have since developed their versions of the fast charging technology. Which came after the pioneer (Qualcomm) brought this technology to life, with each giving theirs a different name.

    All these different fast charging are meant to charge their supported device(s) a lot faster than the usual/Standard charging technology. Each one of them has been somewhat modified in one way or the other. However, They are all based on the same fundamental principles of the fast charging technology which we will be explaining in this article.

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    What is Fast Charging?

    A lay man’s understanding of fast charging will be just a way to quickly charge phones. However, the technical aspect of this goes way deeper. First, you will need to understand what Volts(V), Amps (A) and Watts (W) are. Volts are a measure of voltage, Amps are the measure of current and watts are a message of the electrical power.

    Let’s use a garden hose as an example of being an adapter; in this case, Volts will be the water pressure in the hose, the current will be the flow of water, and the watts will be the spout’s spray. There is also a formula for calculating the watts which go thus; Watts(W) = Volts(V) x Amps (A).

    The idea behind the fast charging technology is to draw and push more power to the phone by increasing either the volts or amps without actually damaging or causing any significant harm to the phone or the battery in the phone.

    Most Fast Charging increases the Voltage which heats up your phone. Dash charge, on the other hand, has worked on this and increased the current in theirs by shifting the workload to the charger, heating up the charger instead of the phone.

    Can Fast Charging Damage my Phone?

    This is not a yes or no question as there is a probability that it can happen. Although it is highly unlikely to. You see, in order for the battery to Charge faster, more current has to be pushed to the device at a faster rate. This causes the device to heat up which as we all know isn’t good for the overall health of your battery. Also, it might shorten the lifespan of your battery. This is probably why some phone manufacturers like Samsung includes an option to disable the fast charging feature on their device with this feature.

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    If it is any consolation though, battery manufacturers have set performance and safety measures in place. This will help to prevent the unthinkable from happening while fast charging your phone. For example, in some phones, the fast charging feature only kicks in when the phone is below a certain amount (let’s Say 70), and when it charges to a considerable amount (let’s say Above 80), it slows down as to reduce the heat it generates. This is why you see phone and chipset manufacturers saying their fast charging feature can achieve 50% in half an hour or 40% in just 15% etc. but never can tell how long it will take to get to 100%.

    Can I Charge My Phone With A Different Company’s Fast Charger?

    Let’s say you have a OnePlus 6 Smartphone and a Qualcomm Quick Charger, Samsung’s Adaptive Fast Charger or any other company’s Fast charging charger. And you would like to charge your phone with it. All you have to do is to is to Plug it in, and you’re good to go. It’s all about the numbers. As long the charger you’re using gives enough output to trigger the fast charging feature in the OnePlus 6, then it will charge fast.

    It might not charge as fast as it would using a dash charger (OnePlus Charger) depending on the Output. If you use a Qualcomm Quick Charger 2.0, then it might charge a bit slower compared to the dash Charger. However, if you use the Qualcomm latest quick Charger 4.0 or 4+, then you might get a charging speed as fast as the dash Charger if it is the same output.

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    Fast Charger has more output than my phone requires, will it damage my phone?

    Unless you’re using a very old phone if you aren’t then it won’t damage your phone. Phones are made to take a certain amount of power from a power source/adapter. If the power being given is moderate/right, it charges at the normal speed. If the power being given is above the amount it can take, it Simply takes the maximum amount it can and leaves the rest.

    Let me put it this way if a phone supports Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 and I use a Qualcomm Quick Charger 2.0. It will obviously charge slower than it is supposed to. Now if I used a Quick Charger 3.0, then it charges at a normal speed. However, if I use a quick charge 4.0 Charger, it will still charge at the rate of 3.0.

    Thanks to the IC onboard phones these days, it can only draw the necessary power it needs, not more. This is done to prevent the unthinkable from happening. Your phone might slightly hotter than usual, but it is okay. You can go ahead to charge your phone with any Charger you want.

    Where To Buy Fast Charging Adapter Online?

    • Buy OnePlus – Dash Charger:

    – Buy Samsung – Adaptive Fast Charging Charger:

    – Buy Qualcomm – Quick Charge Charger.

    – Buy Motorola – Turbo Power Charger:

    – Buy MediaTek – Pump Express Charger:

    • Buy Huawei – Super Charge Charger.

    – Buy Infinix – Flash Charge Charger


    That’s pretty much everything there is to know about the fast charging technology. Do you have any questions about fast charging that wasn’t talked about in this article? Drop your questions in the comment section below and I’ll see to it.


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