FCMB Transfer Code & Recharge Code – How To Use It

FCMB Mobile Banking 1
FCMB Mobile Banking 1

The FCMB Transfer Code like the name implies can be used to transfer funds from your FCMB Account to another bank account. It is part of the FCMB USSD Banking which is *329#. This code from FCMB can be used for so many banking transactions like opening an account, checking an account balance, transferring of funds and buying of airtime among others. It is mostly used by FCMB Account holders to transfer funds and buy airtime which is why it mostly called FCMB Transfer Code or FCMB Recharge Code. So in this article, we will be focusing on those two.

How To Use FCMB Transfer Code

To transfer money using the FCMB Transfer code is pretty simple. Just dial *329 *amount *account number#. For example, *329* 10000* 0987654321* and hit send. You’ll be presented with a list of information about the transaction about to take place. Things like the amount you’re about to transfer, the recipient’s account name and bank name. Once you’ve cross-checked and made sure the details are correct. You can now go ahead and input your FCMB PIN to complete the transaction. You’ll get a debit alert of the transaction almost instantly.

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How To Buy Airtime With FCMB Recharge Code

To buy airtime with the FCMB Recharge Code, all you have to do is just dial *329*amount#. For example, *329 *500# and hit send. The N500 gets debited from your bank account, and your line gets credit with the amount debited. If you would like to buy airtime for a Third-party, simply dial *329 *amount *Recipient’s Number#. For example, *329 *1000 *08011223344# and hit send. The amount gets debited from your account and sent to the phone number provided.

How To Check Your Account Balance With FCMB USSD Banking *329#

You can also check your account balance anywhere, anytime simply by using the USSD code. Just dial *329 *00# to do that. Be sure to dial the code with the phone number that is linked to your FCMB Account unless it won’t work.

How To Change Your PIN With FCMB USSD Banking *339#

If you’re unsure if your PIN has been compromised, then you can change it just to be safe. To do that, just dial *329 *0# to change your PIN. You can also change often in order to keep your account secure.


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