Find the font or character used in a logo or image

Fonts, in computer science but also in traditional typography, are graphic writing styles. When, for example, you write with Word on your computer, you use one of the fonts made available by the program, including the famous and traditional Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman, Trebuchet, Tahoma, Lucida Sans, and so on. Probably, not everyone knows that if you want to add a particular font to your computer that is different from the default ones, you have to buy the font, which can hardly be downloaded for free.

Both at a corporate level and for home and private use, it can be really useful to find which font is used in a logo or billboard, extracting it from an image or photo. Once you have identified the right character, you can then possibly buy it and use it for your own purposes.

For example, in the past, we have seen a type of free font, EcoFont, which allows you to save on the use of printer ink.

On Windows, to install a font, double-click on the .ttf file, and it should automatically appear in the drop-down menu of a program such as Word. The fonts can then be created starting from those already present in the images or in the company logos. In general, on the websites of famous companies or even on blogs, characters that are not found on the computer are used, so replicating them becomes impossible.

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1) To find out which font was used, you can go to the WhatTheFont website, upload an image, and get the name of the font used. Thus, one could write in the font of the Google logo or other famous brands or, even more beautiful, take a photo of an advertising sign and rewrite it on the computer in an identical way, with the same graphics. For example, I uploaded the logo of this blog to find out what the font of the word is.

Then I pressed the “Choose” button, loaded the image, pressed “Continue,” chose the clearest guess that the OCR processing of the web app gave me, and found that the font used is probably Moderna. Unfortunately, then, if you want to download that particular character to write on the computer, that font must be purchased at the cost of about $20. Once you know the name, the possibility of finding it in a promotion or for free on other specialized sites remains.

2) Font Matcherator is the first site to use if What The Font is not working as expected. You have to drag the image into the box on the Font Matcherator website, surround the text with the marked box, and wait for the font to be recognized automatically. The final result may not be accurate, but you should still see characters similar to what you scanned.

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3) If the search is not satisfactory and the corresponding font cannot be found, you can try other font identification sites such as WhatFontIs, which works in more or less the same way.

4) Fontspring is another tool for detecting fonts from an image, very similar to WhatTheFont. You can also change the image to be analyzed to make it easier to see the letters or make them easier to separate. The app can find OpenType features, which are a type of file format used for computer fonts. The site allows you to upload images from your computer or use the URL of an image online.

5) Other of the best sites to search for particular, personalized, or rare fonts are and IdentyFont, where you can answer some questions that allow you to identify the font with the desired graphic character.

If you don’t want to buy any font, you can create your own font for custom writing.


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