Google Home Keeps Disconnecting From Wi-Fi Network (Fixed)

Google Home 1
Google Home 1

When your Google Home Keeps disconnecting from Wi-Fi network it can be pretty annoying, especially if you don’t know the cause of the problem. Is it the Google Home device ? Is the Wi-Fi network I’m Connected to ? Well, it can be any of the two and in this guide, we will be taking it one step at a time while providing various solutions that’ll hopefully fix the problem.

Reboot Google Home Device

A simple reboot might just be what is needed to do the trick and get your Google Home device up and running again. To do that, you’ll first have to make sure that your phone and Google Home device are Connected to the same Wi-Fi network. After that, you’ll then have to unplug the Google Home cord, Wait for about a minute or two and then plug it back in. Once you’ve done that, follow the steps below to reboot your Google Home device.

  • Launch the Google Home App and Click on the Hamburger button located at the top left corner of the screen then tap on devices.
  • Scroll down and look for the device card you would like to reboot.

  • From the top right side of the device card, you’ll see the Menu.

  • Click on Menu >> Settings >> Device settings page >> More >> Reboot

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If after rebooting and your Google home keeps disconnecting from Wi-Fi network then the problem might be from the router you’re Connected to. To be sure that it isn’t, I’ll advice you to try connecting your Google Home device to a new Wi-Fi Network to be sure. If it doesn’t connect, then the problem is definitely form the Google home device. If it connects, then the problem is from your Wi-Fi network/router you’re using or probably your network provider.

Factory Reset Your Google Home Device

If the issue of disconnecting from Wi-Fi network is from the Google Home device then factory resetting your Google Home device and setting it up from scratch is the best option. However, this should be used as a last resort when other methods to fix the issue has proven abortive.

Factory resetting your Google Home device is pretty Simple, all you have to do is press and hold the microphone for about 15 seconds. The Google home device will announce that it is about to begin a factory reset. Keep on holding the microphone button and the factory reset process will commence shortly after. Once that is done, you can proceed to setting up your Google Home and Connect to a Wifi network.

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Other methods which have worked for people whose Google Home Keeps Disconnecting From Wi-Fi network includes restarting the Router, Changing the router’s name or changing the router’s password then forgetting the network on both your Smartphone and Google Home then reconnecting to the newly created name or with the newly created password. Got questions ? Ask us using the comment section down below.


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