(Guide) Sony PlayStation 4 slow? Learn how to solve!

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PlayStation 4 is the most popular console of the current generation, however, it is also a console that has been on the market for several years since it was launched in the distant year of 2013. As such, it is likely that several users of this hardware already complain about some slowness in Sony’s proprietary operating system that basically brings the console to life.

However, you don’t have to send your console to the trash now in preparation for the arrival of the PS5! There are ways to increase the performance of your faithful playmate.

(Guide) Sony PlayStation 4 slow? Learn how to solve it!

Therefore, as with any computer device, after installing and uninstalling various applications and games, the system’s performance ends up suffering a little. (Not to mention normal disc wear! After all, PS4 storage is a traditional HDD)

Do you know why? Because even when you uninstall a game, there are likely to be some ‘lost’ files on your console’s hard drive. Which in turn will make reading more complicated and as a consequence of this, you will experience a decrease in the performance of the entire system.

However, there is no point in being too worried! It is very easy to solve this problem on PlayStation 4 (Be it the ‘fat’ model, Slim or Pro).

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The solution is to rebuild your PS4 database!

If you don’t know, it is very easy to access the PlayStation 4 security mode. A mode where you will find 7 options, one of which is the reconstruction of the console database.

He knew how to proceed:

  • Turn off the console (Sleep Mode does not work)
  • Press the On / Off button without lifting until you hear a sound (Don’t lift your finger!). Keep pressing until an image appears on the screen.
  • Connect the remote via USB cable, and enter safe mode.
  • Choose option number 5.

Note – The time to complete the process depends on the size and space used on your console’s disk.

Do you know what a hard disk defragmentation is? We are talking about a popular hard drive optimization tool in Windows. Well, that’s basically what we’re doing on PS4.

However, if you still think your console is too slow, you might want to consider upgrading your hard drive. Something that is also extremely easy to do, and that doesn’t cost a lot of money, since storage is now super cheap.

(Guide) Sony PlayStation 4 slow? Learn how to solve it! – Besides, what do you think about all this? Share your opinion with us in the comments below.


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