Guideline On How To block Emails On iPhone


Millions of iPhone users block some email senders for many reasons, maybe because they are scammers, or perhaps because they keep sending them irrelevant press releases or old and outdated information. Thousands of email users have deactivated their email account entirely because they are filled up with fake information coming into the mail, so because of that, they decided to open a new email address and close the old one. Have you fallen victims to this before? Is there a way you can resolve the issue without shutting down your email address completely? Truthfully there is. So therefore in this article, we will discuss immensely how to tackle this problem.

How To Block a Sender In Gmail for IOS on iPhone

Note that the best way of blocking a sender in Gmail using your iPhone or iPad is to download the Gmail app from play store. Follow this preceding guideline to block email senders on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 1: download the Gmail from the app store, launch it and log in with your account

Step 2- look for the email you want to block and click on it.

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Step3: at the right corner click the drop-down arrow.

Step 4: select block on the list shown.

Step 5: once you clicked on block, two dialog box appears, “confirm” and” dismiss” click on” confirm” once that is done, you won’t be able to receive any other emails from that email address, any other emails sent with that email address will be sent to your sperm immediately.

You don’t need to make use of Gmail app to browse your mail, but if you want to block an email sender on your mobile device, it is best to make use of Gmail app. Note that if you access your Gmail via your desktop or laptop, you can apply the same method as outlined above to block scammers, fraudsters that send unreliable information to you.

How To Unblock Someone You Mistakenly Blocked

Mistakes are inevitable, as far as we live we are bound to make mistakes, in this aspect you can mistakenly block someone without knowing, does it mean that this person is gone? Is there a way you can start receiving emails from him / her? Yes, there is. Kindly follow these steps and receive an excellent result.

Step 1- go to the top right corner of the screen, click “gear icon” and select settings.

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Step 2- go to “filters and block addresses,” at this point you will see all your block addresses in this section.

Step 3- at the right corner of the screen, you will see a dialog box written “unblock” click on it.

Step 4- once you clicked on it, another dialog box appears, and at this point, you will see two options “unblock” and “cancel,” click unblock to confirm it.

Once this is done you have successfully unblocked the email address you mistakenly blocked, you can now receive and send emails to the person.


Millions of people have fallen victims to scammers and fraudsters that duped them and made away with their money. If you don’t want to experience such sad stories, do well by blocking any email sender you observed to be illegal, following the above guideline.


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