How Do I Automatically Save Snapchat Stories?


One well known Snapchat feature is Snapchat Story, where users can share their Snaps which will last for just one day.

Users can post photos of a meal, pet or images of a party they attended, and the non-permanent nature of Snapchat Stories is a massive experience for users.

But, you and I some Snaps have to be saved, because they are worth it.

This tutorial will break down how you can seamlessly set your Snapchat application to automatically save your Snapchat Stories.

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How Can I Automatically Save Snapchat Stories On My Smartphone?

All your Snapchat Stories can be manually saved. They can be downloaded via the application itself or by just capturing a normal screenshot after posting them.

But this can be easily forgotten, and it is definitely more comfortable if your Stories are downloaded instantly after posting them. Fortunately, Snapchat recently added a feature that lets users make this happen.

This is how your Snapchat can be used to automatically save your Stories:

  1. Launch your Snapchat application.
  2. Scroll down on the camera screen.
  3. Click the Gear icon.
  4. Choose Memories from the displayed option menu – seen below Notifications.
  5. Ensure “Auto-Save Stories” is toggled on.
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If you intend to save your Snapchat Stories to your mobile device, you are not done yet – you also have to click “Save to” which can be found under the “Saving.” tab.

Right there, choose where you need your Snapchat Stories to be automatically saved. You can choose Memories, Camera Roll or the two of them.

Snapchat Memories lets users store their photos and clips for later. This mainly functions like Instagram’s Story Archive, which means you can see old Snaps anytime you like from the app. Those Snaps can also be sent or you can download them from Memories.

Choosing Memories & Camera Roll is a wise decision because it will keep your Snaps in the application and on your device, plus you can see or send them when you want to.

But if you intend to store your Story Snaps on just your mobile device, choose “Camera Roll Only.” Be prepared for it to take a bit of space on your phone though.

How Can I Delete Snaps From My Snapchat Story?

Storing Snapchat Stories is vital for several reasons but at times you can wish to delete some of them.

It could be that you shared a different picture from the one you intended to share or you changed your mind as soon as your Story got posted, there are ways to delete it.

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Adhere to these instructions that will show you how you can smoothly delete your Snap Story:

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  1. Launch your Snapchat application.
  2. Scroll left on the camera screen – this will let you access the Stories page.
  3. Click Settings (3 vertical dots) – that will be found in the upper-right corner, close to My Story.
  4. Locate the Snap that you intend to delete from your Snapchat Story and click on it.
  5. Click on trash can – which can be found way down on the right of the screen.
  6. Click “Delete” from the popup window.

If you intend to store your Snap before geting rid of it, you have to click “Save.” It can be found close to “trash can” and it resembles the letter V.

To fully delete a Snap from your Memories, do this:

  1.  Launch Snapchat.
  2. Scroll up on the camera screen – this opens the Memories page.
  3. Find the Story that you intend to delete and click it.
  4. Click Edit and Send – which can be found way down on your screen.
  5. Choose trash can.
  6. Click Delete from the popup window.

After wrapping up the final step, your Snap will totally be deleted from your Snapchat Memories.

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What you have to know as a Snapchat user is that you will be unable to delete a Snap as soon as you send it. As of February, 2 years ago, you cannot get rid of sent Snaps even after deleting your Snapchat account.

Knowing that, be cautious with whoever you are sending your Snaps to and what you decide to post.


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