How Do I Change The Keyboard To Add Different Languages On My iPhone?


Even if the main iPhone keyboard is great for some iOS owners, there are several other great options. The iPhone possesses various foreign-language keyboards which you can activate and use whenever you have to type in another language.

Plus, it is possible to install 3rd-party keyboards and use them instead. A few keyboards feature alternate key layouts, additional emoji, or even “swipe” style input where your finger can slide around the keyboard rather than clicking specific keys. Let’s get right into it:

How Can I Change The Keyboard On My iPhone?

The iPhone provides access to over eighty foreign language keyboards. Below is how you can activate and use them:

  1. Launch the Settings application.
  2. Click “General.” then click “Keyboard.”
  3. Click “Keyboards.”
  4. On the Keyboard page, click “Add New Keyboard…”
  5. Locate the keyboard you wish to use and click it, then click “Done.” It should be visible on the list of keyboards, alongside your default keyboard and the Emoji keyboard.

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How Can I Change To A 3rd-Party Keyboard On An iPhone?

There are several keyboards available in the App Store which can give you a lot of options you can use to interact with your iOS device. This is how to activate and use them:

  1.  Download a keyboard from the App Store. (If you are unsure about what you are looking for, search for “keyboard” and check the results.
  2. Launch the app for your freshly installed keyboard and adhere to the instructions it provides. In a few cases, you will have to locate the keyboard in the Settings application and activate features.
  3. Launch the Settings application.
  4. Click “General.” then click “Keyboard.”
  5. Click “Keyboards.”
  6. On the Keyboard page, click “Add New Keyboard…”
  7. In the 3rd Party Keyboards section, locate your new keyboard and click it.
  8.  In the list of keyboards, click the new keyboard entry and, if required, grant it access.

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How Can I Change My Default Keyboard On My iPhone?

If you feel you prefer a certain keyboard to the iPhone’s default, you can easily know the iPhone to always use that new one by default.

  1. Launch the Settings application.
  2. Click “General.” Then click “Keyboard.”
  3. Click “Keyboards.”
  4. On the Keyboard page, click “Edit.”
  5. Have the order of the keyboards rearranged. They can be dragged with the “handles” – i.e the 3 horizontal lines – on the right side of the display. Drag anyone you wish to be the default to the top of the list.
  6. Click “Done.”
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