Audacity is a well known audio-editing program that is amazing, simple to use, and will cost you nothing. Using the program, you can easily produce songs, podcasts, and other audio projects without having to purchase a costly commercial audio program.
As soon as your audio project is wrapped up, however, you always have to save it as an MP3 file so it can be published and shared with whoever is interested. Want to know how to make this happen? See the answer to your How Do I Export An Audacity File As An MP3 question:
How Can I Export Audacity Files As MP3s?
- In Audacity, tap “File” way up on the display.
- In the drop-down menu, tap “Export” and then select “Export as MP3.”

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- Way down on the dialog box in “Format Options,” select your MP3 settings. It is best to go for “Constant” for the “Bit Rate Mode” instead of any of the variable bitrate options. Select the bitrate from “Quality,” and then ensure your file is saved.

- In “Edit Metadata Tags,” enter as much info as you want about your MP3 file. This data is compulsory, however, it will be seen if you import your file into programs such as iTunes. Tap “OK” when you are done.

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How Can I Export Audacity Files As MP3s Using Older Versions Of Audacity?
In previous versions of Audacity, it was impossible to convert audio to MP3 without first installing an MP3 encoder add-on to your Mac or Personal Computer. Why you may ask? Because the encoding library was safeguarded by a patent and was impossible to be legally included with Audacity.
The patent has expired, however, and the latest version of Audacity now comes with the MP3 encoder. If you use an ancient version of Audacity, simply install the LAME MP3 encoder and then restart Audacity. However, it is less complicated to just install the most recent version of Audacity. If that is done, you will not just have access to built-in MP3 exports, you will also get an enhanced version of Audacity too.
You are done.