If you have ever misplaced your ATM card, or it got stolen, you already know that experience is extremely frustrating. This is why we came up with the simplest way to block it immediately to avoid loss of funds. The bank you use does not matter, this post will be useful in cases of emergency relating to ATM card misplacement for the major banks in Nigeria. See How To Block Your ATM Card If It Gets Stolen In Nigeria:
Page Contents:
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How Can I Block My Lost Or Missing ATM Card In Nigeria?
The instructions are very straightforward. Just do all you see below for your specific bank:
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing GTB ATM Card?
If you use GTB, dial *737*51*10# on your smartphone, and ensure your phone number is the one linked to your GTB bank account.
If you prefer to block it via Internet Banking or the mobile app, just:
- Get yourself logged in to your GTBank internet/app.
- Find where there is a card and click it.
- Choose “Hotlist” and enter your card number, request reason e.t.c.
- Tap “Submit” and wait.
A pop-up screen option will then be visible, and it’ll ask you to confirm the deactivation of your ATM card.
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing First Bank ATM Card?
With USSD Code:
Send “BLOCK” to 30012. Within twenty-four hours, your ATM card will be blocked from making withdrawals and payments. You can then visit any First Bank branch for a new ATM card.
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing Fidelity Bank ATM Card?
To block your Fidelity bank card, just dial *770*911# on your registered phone number linked to your account, and adhere to the prompts.
You can also reach out to Fidelity Bank via [email protected], [email protected] to block your ATM card.
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing Zenith Bank ATM Card?
To block your Zenith Bank ATM card through your App/internet banking, just:
- Get yourself logged into the application.
- Tap the menu bar and choose “Cards and Cheques.”
- Choose “Deactivate Card” under “Type” and give a reason for your action.
- Tap “Continue.”
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing Stanbic IBTC Bank ATM Card?
Using USSD code:
- Just dial *909#
- Choose “My Bank.”
- Choose “Service Request.”
- Tap “Block Card.”
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing Access Bank ATM Card?
- For your debit card, dial 18005548969.
- For your credit card, dial 18005583424.
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing Keystone Bank ATM Card?
If you want to block your Keystone Bank Card, just send an email via [email protected] or call +234 700 2000 3000.
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing Wema Bank ATM Card?
It can happen via text. Simply send CARD ATM OFF to 33352 using your registered mobile number with the Wema Bank account.
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing UBA Bank ATM Card?
To block your missing stolen UBA ATM/Debit Card, just dial *919*10# on your mobile phone that is linked to your account.
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing Sterling Bank ATM Card?
Smply contact them via email at [email protected] or call them on 070078375464.
Photo Credit- o3cards.comYou Might Also Want To Read: How To Block Your First Bank ATM Card Immediately If Stolen/Misplaced?
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing EcoBank ATM Card?
Simply send “STOP ATM NUBAN NUMBER” to 08063262265, and replace NUBAN with your account number.
How To Block Your Lost Or Missing FCMB ATM Card?
Call them on +234 2798800 or email them via [email protected].
That is that.