How to change Instagram username with mobile app

Instagram username
Instagram username

One of the most used social networks around is undoubtedly Instagram. In a short time, thanks to constant updates that have managed to create an important catchment area. Among the many features, it offers is the possibility to change your username. This function is very useful if in the past you have chosen a username a bit ‘randomly or if you simply want to make it easier to search for your profile.

Instagram – here is how to change the username from the mobile app following simple and quick steps

In this simple tutorial accessible to everyone, after seeing a short time ago how to change fonts to Instagram Stories, we will see step by step how to change Instagram username from the mobile version.

Change Instagram username from the mobile app – here’s how

If you usually use Instagram from the mobile app dedicated to iOS and Android operating systems, the procedure to follow is very easy, namely:

  1. First of all, open the Instagram app;
  2. Now move to the profile section;
  3. At this point select the Edit Profile;
  4. In the new screen you can change the username field as you wish;
  5. In conclusion, once you have made the change, you can select the end key or the check symbol, which remains at the top right.
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After the steps just described, you have correctly changed your username on Instagram. On the same screen, you can also customize your name, biography or private info, such as email or phone number.

As you’ve seen, changing your username on Instagram from a mobile app is a breeze. If you find it difficult to follow the guide or have any questions, we are here to help you.


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