How To Check Your Current Tariff Plan On Glo, Airtel, 9Mobile And MTN?


Do you want to know what your present tariff plan is on your Glo, MTN, Airtel or 9mobile line? If yes, then we have all that information right here. Knowing your tariff plan is key for all phone users. It lets you know the plan benefits that will be available to you whenever you want.

If you knew it before but cannot remember anymore, not to worry, because every telecommunication network company allows you check it easily, all you have to do is dial a simple USSD code on your smartphone. Let’s break down How To Check Your Current Tariff Plan On Glo, Airtel, 9Mobile And MTN?:

How Can I Check My Current Tariff Plan On My Glo Line?

To confirm your present tariff plan on Glo, just dial *100#. Or, you can call a customer care representative and ask whoever picks up the plan you are on. Glo customer care number is 200 or 121 and you will not need credit on your phone for such calls even if the delay can be frustrating sometimes. Popular Glo plans are Glo infinito, Glo G-BAM and Glo 11k/s.

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How Can I Check My Current Tariff Plan On My MTN Line?

To confirm your present tariff plan on Glo, just dial *556#. This is actually the same code required to check your account balance. So, alongside your account balance, your present MTN plan will be visible as well. Popular MTN plans are MTN BetaTalk and MTN Pulse.

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How Can I Check My Current Tariff Plan On My Airtel Line?

To confirm your present tariff plan on Glo, just dial *121#, select the 3rd option and dial, then select the 5th option named “My tariff plan” to view the details of your present Airtel tariff plan.

How Can I Check My Current Tariff Plan On My 9mobile Line?

You will need to dial *200# on your 9mobile line to see your current tariff. Choose the 2nd option named “My account” and then press send. Then select the 6th option named “Check package” to view your package.

And that is that.


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