How To Do A Barrel Roll Twice Or “Z Or R” Google Trick

Do Barrel Roll Twice Z Or R

Google is an amazing platform to keep you occupied whenever you feel bored. In fact, apart from the Google Chrome offline game, Google gravity, there is another brilliant Google trick named “Do a Barrel Roll R or Z Twice Google trick” that you must know about.

As soon as you master this interesting Google trick, it’ll be possible to make it roll ten times, fifty times, even a million times, if you really mean business. The idea behind Google does a barrel roll trick simply to assist you to rotate your Google homepage when you type the “do a barrel roll.”

If you know about the Google Easter egg tricks, then you should know that the do a barrel roll is one of the few Easter egg tricks you can enjoy on your Android or iOS device. Also, no special skill is required to do the Barrel roll on your smartphone, and the approach is pretty basic.

However, for those who are new to some of the Google gravity famous tricks that will help you familiarize yourself with the Easter egg, this tutorial can help to break things down for you. See How To Do A Barrel Roll Twice Or “Z or R” Google Trick:

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How Can I Do A Barrel Roll Twice Or “Z Or R” Google Trick:

Z or R twice is most likely the “do a barrel roll” you never thought existed. In fact, I won’t be shocked if you’ve been told that the best way to rotate your Google homepage is with the Google gravity or swim underwater.

Not to worry though, we’ll put you out of your dilemma with the steps to make it happen below:

1. Z Or R Twice:

When you type “Z or R twice” without the quotes in the Google search engine, you’ll witness a miracle. Rather than google.con bringing up the search results as usual, it’ll rotate the device screen in a way that will shock you.

To confirm, simply:

  1. Head to
  2. Type “Z or R twice” without the quotes.
  3. Enter Search.
  4. You’ll see magic before your very eyes.

2. Do A Barrel Roll:

What will happen when you just open and type “do a barrel roll” without quotes? Well, you’ll simply experience what happened when you did “Z or R twice” from the first trick.

  1. Head to
  2. Type “do a barrel roll” without quotes.
  3. Tap search or the enter button.
  4. Hold on and watch your screen perform wonders before your very eyes.
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3. Do A Barrel Roll Twice:

You first learn how to do a barrel roll twice before you improve your knowledge. As soon as you master that, you can then try to make it happen up to 10 or even 100 times. The main purpose of this particular Google trick is simply to rotate the Google webpage twice in about two seconds.

To do it twice, just:

  1. Head to
  2. Tap “Twice” on the navigation.
  3. The barrel roll will rotate twice in about two seconds.
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4. Do A Barrel Roll 5.5 Times:

  1. Head to
  2. Tap 5.5 times.

Hold on to see Google rotating the page 5 times and .5. And all of this will happen in about 5.5 seconds.

The list goes on and on, and the fun is unlimited. Let us know which Google trick you prefer among all and other tricks you are looking forward to in the comment section.

That is that.


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