How To Fix Galaxy M30 That Can’t Receive A Text Message


If peradventure you are finding it so challenging to get SMS on your Galaxy device, this is the end of the road for that. Because in this article we will look at various troubleshooting steps on how to fix the Galaxy M30 “can’t receive text message” Issue. Not only that we will see possible ways to fix this issue, but we will also help you to the point that you can fix the problem yourself without relying on another person to assist you with it.

How To Fix Galaxy M30 That Can’t Receive Text Message

If you are having a problem in receiving text messages, below are troubleshooting steps that will help you to eradicate such threat

Ensure Network Is Up

Make sure that the network is not the primary thing causing this problem; you can identify if the problem is caused by the network, by checking if your device has a good signal bar. If the signal bars are low, then know that this might be the reason causing your Galaxy M30 not to be able to receive messages. Have in mind that text messages will not work if the cellular network is very down. Make sure that your devices show that there are good networks at least the signal bars should be about 3 and above. If the signal bars are not up to that, try relocating to a better position where you will get a full network and see if you will start receiving messages, but if in case after getting an entire network, the issue still insist, kindly make use of the troubleshooting steps below

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Delete Old Texts

If your inbox is filled up, there won’t be space for incoming messages. So this is just a common reason why incoming text fails, so if you still want more messages, why not delete those old messages that occupy your inbox, remove them for new incoming messages to have where to stay. If you have already done that, but the issue persists, try this other step.

Take Note Of Error Messages

Ask your self, is there any error message that shows up when sending of texts fail? Kindly take note of the error and do some google search about the error. In case you are fortunate to find out what the error message is all about, there will be an online solution you can try. Have in mind that some texting errors can be specific to a carrier so you may have to refer to them if you can’t find any online fix.

Check Voice Calling

Voice calls and text messages share the same network. So if you are experiencing difficulty in receiving messages, kindly check if you can make calls comfortable, if you can’t, have in mind that it is a network related problem, to get the first-hand information, why not call your network operator because there may be an on-going outage or issue with their infrastructure.

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I sincerely believe that this above guideline will help you fix the Galaxy M30 “can’t receive text message” issues.


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