How To Fix iPhone X Black Screen Of Death

iPhone X 4
iPhone X 4

This article contains steps to take in order to fix iPhone X black screen of death.

If you are experiencing the black screen of death on your iPhone X, then it can be because of two reasons. One being software error/crash while the other being a hardware problem. If you recently unknowingly dropped your phone on a hard surface or into any liquid then it might be a hardware problem.

In that case, you will have to take your iPhone x to a phone technician for a repair. However, if you didn’t drop your phone on a hard surface or into any liquid, then you can follow the steps below to fix iPhone x black screen of death.

How To Fix iPhone X Black Screen Of Death

Some problems, as difficult as it might seem to solve might, and in most cases be solved in the simplest of ways. So we will start with the easiest way to fix this problem.

Perform A Forced Restart

A Forced Restart stimulates a battery pull as there is no way to actually do that given that phone has a non-removable battery. This is Somewhat similar to the usual reboot and soft reset but has a different method. To do this, simply follow the steps below.

  • Press and Hold the Volume Up Button for about 2 seconds and Let Go.
  • Press and Hold the Volume Down Button for about 2 seconds and Let Go.

  • Now, Press and Hold the Power Button Until you see the Apple Logo.

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Try this multiple time just in case you didn’t get it right the first, second or third time. If done right, your phone should boot up and subsequently fix the black screen of death.
If your phone still isn’t turning on then, it might be that the battery is low or dead. Try plugging it in, let it charge for a while and try the steps above a couple more times.

Still isn’t booting up? See the next step.

Connect It Your iTunes

Another method that you can try out is connecting your iPhone x to a PC and access it through iTunes. First, you have to get a Windows PC or a MacBook running on their respective latest version or any of the newer version.

After getting the PC or MacBook then you can go ahead and plug it in using the lightning cable then wait for the PC or MacBook to detect your iPhone X. As soon it recognizes your device, proceeds to back up your files and other important contents on your phone before you attempt restoring your iPhone through Recovery Mode or DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) Mode.

Using Recovery Mode

  • Press and Hold the Volume Up Button for about 2 seconds and Let Go.
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  • Press and Hold the Volume Down Button for about 2 seconds and Let Go.

  • When you see Connect to iTunes, then Press and Hold the Power Button. Don’t let go when the Apple Logo appears.

  • You will see Restore or Update on the next Screen.

  • Select Update and after, Restore.

  • Using DFU Mode

    Before trying the DFU, you should make sure that the hardware isn’t damaged as stopping this process halfway can actually brick your phone. If you fell on a hard surface or into any liquid, please do not try this process. Take it to a phone technician instead in order to avoid bricking your phone.

    • Close all the apps/software running on your PC or Macbook.
  • Plug your phone in using the lightning cable.

  • Press and Hold the Power Button for 3 seconds, and while still holding the Power Button, Press and Hold the Volume Down Button for about 10 seconds. (If you see the Apple Logo then you did not do it right and have to start all over again from the beginning)

  • Let Go of the Power Button but Hold on to the Volume Down Button for another 5 seconds before letting go of it also.

  • If done right, the screen should remain black. If the phone screen is still black at this point, then you’ve successfully entered the DFU mode. You will get a message on your PC saying iTunes has detected your device.

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    If you see this message on your PC screen then simply follow the on-screen instructions to complete the DFU process. If you aren’t familiar with the steps, then you can take it to a phone technician that specializes in this kind of stuff in order to avoid bricking your device.


    On the off-chance that the above steps didn’t fix iPhone x Black screen of death, then you might want to cash in on your warranty or take it a phone specialist/technician if you’ve exhausted your warranty coverage.


    1. Or, just go to a well lit place and unlock it.
      It’s a stupid bug that happens when you’ve previously had screen brightness at the minimum, and try to unlock the phone in a dark environment.

    2. Hey, I was facing this Black Screen issue since last two days, after searching a lot I finally found your blog and after going through your blog I was able to fix my iPhone at home. Thank you so much for sharing such useful information.


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