How To Fix Playback Errors On Starz

Fix Playback Errors Starz
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If there is one annoying thing we are fed up with when it comes to our Starz watching sessions, it is the persistent playback problems. It does not matter if it is a stream buffering issue or if it won’t even start at all; a solution is badly needed.

Luckily for us, there are several uncomplicated and easy ways to rectify your Starz stream. Once you familiarize yourself with these instructions, you will never experience the same issues again. See How To Fix Playback Errors On Starz:

Fix Playback Errors Starz
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1. Restart The Stream:

Even if this might sound too easy to be true, restarting the stream could help. If you are battling buffering, turn the streaming platform off and then on again to give it a fresh start. The same thing can be done with your router or Television.

2. Turn Off Any Background Apps:

If you use Starz on your mobile device or PC, always remember to disable all the background applications. If you stream on a computer, it is best to pause or stop any downloads while streaming is happening because it might be too much data for your PC to handle at once.

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3. Ensure No Additional Devices Are Connected To Your Network:

If you use a sluggish internet connection (under 25 Mbps), you will battle playback problems if several devices are connected to your network. To avoid this, always make sure your tab, PC, and TV are not all connected as you stream as it could obstruct the bandwidth and cause problems. It will be wise to shut them down or enable airplane mode.

Fix Playback Errors Starz
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4. Delete Temporary Files And Empty Your Web Cache:

Several files and items in your browser’s cache can also result in a slow and non-functioning stream. To erase the excess data on Google Chrome, do this:

  • Press “Ctrl” “Shift,” and “Delete” at the same time to access “Clear browsing data.”
  • Choose the period of the browsing data you wish to get rid of (“last hour” “last 24 hours” “last 7 days” “last 4 weeks” or “All time.”)
  • Tick the “Cached images and files” box.
  • Wrap it all up by tapping “Clear data.”
  • Reload the site.

5. Get a Range Extender:

Another reason for playback problems on Starz could be a poor Wi-Fi signal. If that is the case, buying a range extender to amplify the signal and tackle all weak spots will be a good idea. However, before buying your range extender, ensure you go for one produced by the same manufacturer that launched your router. This will decrease the chances of it developing problems in the future.

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That is that.


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