How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Touch Screen Sensitivity Issue

Samsung Note 8
Samsung Note 8

There have been some Samsung Galaxy Note 8 touch screen sensitivity issues and problems popping up from its users for a while now. So we’ve decided to address this issue and also show you a way to fix the problem in this guide.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 touch screen Sensitivity

If you are experiencing the touch screen Sensitivity issues on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 smartphone then it might not be Samsung fault, and neither is it technically yours. The problem most times is as a result of a badly placed screen protector. The screen protector is responsible for shielding your phone’s screen from cracks in the event of a fall. However, it might also be the problem as it probably prevents your touches from making full contact on the phone’s display. Thereby making it seems like your device has a touch screen Sensitivity issue.

So if you’ve got a screen protector over your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 screen then try removing it and see if the issue persists. If everything works after removing the screen protector then the problem is from the screen protector. All you have to do is to replace it, but correctly this time. If you’ve removed the screen protector but the problem still persists then chances are, it is a software problem and thankfully, we can help you with that.

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How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Touch Screen Sensitivity Issue

Clean The Screen – This is perhaps the first thing you should as there might be small particles or dirt on the screen preventing your finger to fully contact the phone’s display. Use a cloth to fully wipe down your phone’s screen thoroughly. After that, check to see if the touchscreen is now responsive. If it isn’t, then try the next step.

Boot into Safe

This is basically a place that prevents any third-party apps on your device to run, leaving only the core apps to run. This is done in order to make sure that an app you downloaded isn’t responsible for your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 touch screen Sensitivity issue. To boot your device into safe mode, follow the steps below.

  • Turn off your device.
  • Press and Hold the Power Button. Once the Samsung Logo comes up, immediately let go of the power button and Press and Hold the Volume Down Button. Keep holding the Volume Down Button till it boots up.

If done right, you should be in the Safe mode. You should see “Safe Mode” written at the bottom left corner of the screen to let you know you’re in the Safe mode. Now check to see if the screen Sensitivity Issue still persists. If the problem is non-existent in the safe mode then an app you Installed is the culprit and you have to uninstall said app to fix the problem. You can start by uninstalling you most recently install the app and work your way down.

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However, if the screen Sensitivity Issue still remains in the Safe mode then move to the next step.

Perform A Master Reset/Factory Reset

Factory Reset has always been known as the ultimate fix for software related problems. However, this comes at a price; you lose all your data/files so you might want BackUp your important files before factory resetting your device. To perform a master reset on your device, follow the steps below.

  • Turn Off your Samsung Galaxy Note 8.
  • Press and Hold the Bixby Button and Volume Up Button. Now, Press and Hold the Power Button.

  • Keep holding the three Buttons till you see the Android Logo. When you see it, let go of all three Buttons.

  • You’ll see “Installing system updates”. Wait for about a minute and you’ll be taken to the recovery menu.

  • Using the Volume Down Button, Scroll Down to “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” and Select it using the Power Button.

  • Again, Use the Volume Down Button to navigate to “Yes” and Select it using the Power Button.

  • Once it is done wiping your phone, Navigate to “Reboot System Now” and Select to reboot your device and you’re good to go.

  • Conclusion

    If factory resetting your device didn’t fix your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 screen Sensitivity issue then the problem is definitely from the hardware. You should get your device checked out by a phone technician as soon as possible.

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    Did the method above work for you in fixing your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 touch screen Sensitivity Issue? Let us know using the comment section down below.


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