How to fix the forced closure problem of Instagram


Instagram is one of the most used applications worldwide, at least in the West. People of all ages and with different devices are seeing how in the last hours the application closes continuously when you try to use it.

At first, it seemed a problem with some specific models of Samsung and Xiaomi but little by little other users have been echoing that there were more Android phones and tablets in which it happened.

There are two ways to solve them, ways that could also be used for other apps but it has been proven that this one works.

Clear the cache

The first one is to erase the data that the system has from the application. For this, we have to go to the Settings, Applications, Instagram and click on the memory option.

We have to click on Clear cache or on a similar button that what it will do is delete the downloaded data and disconnect us from our account.

Once done that we can open the application again and put our username and password.

Reinstall the application

The above option usually works in most cases, but in the few that do not, we can opt for a slightly stronger option.

  • Uninstall the application.
  • We restart the phone.
  • We reinstall the application.
  • We put our username and password.
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This should have the same effect as the first option but if for some reason the system does not clear the cache properly the uninstallation should solve the problem.

As we say this is something we advise doing with other applications is we have the same fault, it is possible that you also solve the error.

It is expected that the application will be updated soon to resolve these failures since they are not caused by a mobile or brand in particular.


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