How To Hide Your Location In Tinder

Hide Location In Tinder
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Because Tinder is a location-based service, it makes use of your location to aid you to find dates around you. However, some users might wish to hide their location for privacy concerns while some will go as far as modifying their location to find matches in other areas.

Therefore, is it possible to hide your location on Tinder you may ask? We break it all down in this tutorial and we will expatiate in ways everyone will understand. See How To Hide Your Location In Tinder:

Can I Hide My Location On Tinder?

Sadly, the answer is No. It is not possible to hide your location on Tinder because it is an application that makes use of distance and geography to sort your possible matches. If you enable GPS, it makes use of your device’s location to reveal where you are. If you disable GPS, it makes use of all the cellular information it can lay its hands on.

The truth is that even if it was possible to keep your location hidden from Tinder, it would mean that the application can no longer serve its purpose. As it will immediately be impossible to see those in your area, and because no one would be able to find your profile, what then would be the point of Tinder?

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However, not to worry, because while you cannot hide your location, it is actually possible to modify your location through a GPS spoofing application or by subscribing to one of Tinder’s premium services. We break it down below:

How Can I Change My Location With Tinder Passport?

If you wish to be able to swipe in new places, Tinder provides a way to make that happen. Even if there is a free version of Tinder, you can buy an upgraded version named Tinder Plus or Tinder Gold. This subscription goes for $9.99 monthly and it will come with Tinder Passport and other features.

Hide Location In Tinder
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Tinder Passport simply lets you alter your location anytime you wish, For instance, if you plan to move to a new city and you wish to start searching for a match before you reach there, you can easily access your settings and then modify your location to your future new home. By so doing, you can start swiping before you even head there.

To subscribe to Tinder, launch the application and choose “Settings,” then choose Get Tinder Plus or Gold. After that, just type in your payment info and enjoy the fresh features. Altering your location with Tinder Passport is not complicated. Just:

  • Choose your profile from inside Tinder.
  • Choose Settings from your profile page.
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Hide Location In Tinder
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  • Click “Swiping In” or “Location”, it depends on your phone.
Hide Location In Tinder
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  • Choose “Add a New Location.”
Hide Location In Tinder
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Modify your location to the preferred spot. Choose “Don’t Show My Distance”. If you do not select this option, the application will reveal possible matches that are several miles away from the area you’re presently swiping in.

Be aware that it might take about 1 full day to be visible in a new location’s search, therefore if you are just away for 24 hours, you have to plan ahead if you wish to find a date in that area. While you might have to hold on for at least 24 hours to be seen in local searches, you would see local matches immediately and be able to swipe away.

You are done.


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