How to install Android SDK (Software Development Kit) on Windows, Mac and Linux

Android Sdk
Android Sdk

How to install the Android SDK. The Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android is a crucial part of Android development for beginners. It’s a selection of grouped files that you need to use to create Android apps. It is equipped with tools such as the virtual device manager (emulator) and ADB bridge, as well as an additional code library to make Java programs work with the Android platform.

How to install the Android SDK

While this may sound complicated, there is good news- you no longer have to worry about the Android SDK. For the most part, it will be managed in the background for you. The SDK is now included in Android Studio. Android development for beginners is becoming easier and easier and this relatively recent change means that a single installation is now required to get the development environment up and running. An open Java Development Kit (JDK) is also included, so you no longer need to install the latest version separately.

Installing Android Studio is just as simple. It’s just a matter of downloading the installer and following the steps as required. At some point you will be offered the possibility to choose a path for the installation of the SDK; make a note of it as it may come in handy later.

Setting up Android development for beginners has become a relatively simplified process. It involves some rather large files, so be prepared for this and some long download times.

How to install Android SDK step by step

Google has released an all-in-one developer program that includes a full IDE, a virtual machine manager, and, of course, the Android SDK. This is the easiest and most likely the best way to use the Android SDK. All you have to do is download Android Studio from here and follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Go to the Android developer tools page.
  • Press the green “download Android Studio” button.
  • Read the terms and conditions in the window that opens, check the box below, and click Download.
  • When the Android Studio package finishes downloading, go to the file path and double click on the .exe file to run it. A security warning may appear, go ahead.
  • The Android Studio setup wizard will start, follow the instructions on the screen. (Or hit “next” until it says “install”.)
  • Tap on “install” when prompted and the Android SDK will start installing on your computer. This may take a few minutes.
  • Click on “finish” and the Android SDK will start.
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SDK update

When you install Android Studio, you will automatically get the latest version of the Android SDK. The SDK is constantly updated with new features and security updates. It’s your job to make sure you keep up with these changes, so you can support the latest versions.

To help you do this, Android Studio provides something called an SDK manager. This is a specific program for downloading parts of the SDK. Open the manager by going to Tools> SDK Manager. You will be greeted with a list of files in the SDK Platforms and SDK Tools tabs.

SDK platforms are the Android platforms you can develop for. At least one is required to create a working app. If you choose the latest version, you will be able to support all the latest Android features.

The new versions of Android should be backward compatible, so unless you are a professional developer who is looking to use cutting edge functionality, you will probably ignore this tab after completing the initial installation. Simplify Android development for beginners.

In the SDK Tools tab, you will find a list of the other elements that make up the SDK. You can install them individually. Those who have a blue box with a dash are ready for the update. The most important things here are Android SDK Build-Tools, Android SDK Platform-Tools, and Android SDK Tools. You may also want to use the Android emulator and system images if you plan to run and test your apps on the PC.

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Android Studio will inform you if any updates are required, so you can mainly forget everything about the SDK manager (in the same way, Android Studio itself will ask you when it is ready for an update). Now you know how to start supporting the latest versions of Android.

Using the Android SDK alone

You may be wondering if you can use the Android SDK alone or if you ever would need it. The only use case where this is convenient is if you find yourself having to use a different integrated development environment (IDE), like Unity (instead of Android Studio). Unity is a game engine and a “game maker” that can be used to create Android games. You will use a completely different interface and also a different programming language (C#), but you will still need a copy of the Android SDK for that program to be compiled in an APK ready to run on Android. The same goes for Android development using other tools like Xamarin.

If you want to simplify the start of Android development as a beginner as much as possible, I recommend installing Android Studio together with the SDK as before (you will still need the JDK anyway). When performing this process, make a note of the location where the SDK is installed.

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You will need it to tell other IDEs where the SDK is located on your computer. You will find the possibility to enter the path for the SDK somewhere in the settings (Google is your friend if you are not sure where it is), now copy and paste! Installing the Android SDK in this way is easier for beginners and it also means that you will have Android Studio at your fingertips if you ever have to try traditional Android development.

Note that, depending on the IDE, it may be necessary to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) separately and provide a path for this as well. To install JDK, go to this page on and download the latest version. Once done, click on the .exe file and follow the steps by clicking Next.

Some IDEs offer you the option to automatically download Android Studio during the configuration process, which is new to Unity.

Installing all these extra files will take up a lot of space on your computer. If you really want to minimize things, you can always download the “command line tools only” option. You will find it by scrolling the page where you found Android Studio and downloading the zip file for your specific operating system. You will find instructions on how to use it here and you can take command-line tools from here. Theoretically, this could be useful even if you want to use a specific tool included in the SDK, such as the ADB bridge.

That’s all for downloading and installing the Android SDK! This is one of the first and most important steps when it comes to Android development for beginners!


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