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How to Install Dropbox and Create an Account in a Very Simple Way?

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On many occasions, we can run out of space on the hard drive. What forces us to be constantly eliminating information that is probably very important to us. Dropbox is considered as a virtual hard disk in the network. This cloud helps free up space on the hard drive and thus have more storage.

This tool can be compared to a pen-drive or USB that is found on the internet. Dropbox gives you 10 GB of space to store all the files on our “virtual hard disk”. If you need more space in Dropbox you just have to pay for it. You can be sure that you have a copy of all the files and documents since they are synchronized in the network. Even if you make changes, you will always have the old version available, just in case you want to use it again.

In case you work in a company, Dropbox is very useful. It is not necessary to have a physical file server because all the computers used in the company can have this tool installed. With a single account, you can share all the information you are working with.

Here we will show you the easiest way to download and install it. It can be downloaded in Linux, Windows or Mac.

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Download and Install Dropbox

  1. Enter the browser of your choice and download the Dropbox application. See how to do it in detail here.
  2. Install it on your computer. Enter the information requested.
  3. Once the Dropbox application is installed, you will see a folder called “Dropbox” on your hard drive. The Dropbox icon will appear in the menu bar. Every time you want to save something in the “cloud” you must drag that file to the folder that you downloaded and installed on your hard drive.

It is important to have Dropbox installed on your computer in order to access all that extra storage. Now, if we want to use it fully we need a Dropbox account.

Learn to Create the Account in Dropbox

  1. Go to: www.dropbox.com
  2. Sign up by completing all the required fields- name, surname, email address and create a password.
  3. After you finish reading the conditions of Dropbox, click on the box to show that you agree.
  4. Click on “register”.

Currently, Dropbox has improved its functions. Regarding the shared tools, the people who use them will have knowledge about their expiration date. In addition, to enter these folders, you can use the same password or passcode. In the case of Dropbox Pro, you can select which electronic devices (computers, phones, etc.) are going to synchronize with your account.

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