How to make calls with Google Home

Google Home
Google Home

It is an obvious fact that smart speakers are here to stay. And, Google Home is one of the best options to consider. We talk about a really versatile device, and that not only serves to tell you the weather report, since it has some very interesting hidden features. How to make voice calls.

When we had the opportunity to analyze Google Home, it became clear that the new intelligent speaker of the giant based in Mountain View was a really complete product. Of course, it has some shortcomings, such as the possibility of making calls, something that Google Assistant does allow in our mobile phone.

The lack of a SIM card means that this device does not allow users to make calls. Although, there is a way to use this functionality in Google Home. How? Through Google Duo.

Thanks to Google Duo you can make calls with your Google Home

You may not even know that this application exists. Partly thanks to the little that the great G has taken care of, an app that has a lot to offer. For this reason, we will rescue her from the drawer to squeeze her possibilities. More than anything because, although in the future you can use more tools, for now only Google Duo works to make calls through Google Home.

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Surely you will be thinking, what will Google Duo do for me if nobody uses this app? Well, considering that it comes pre-installed on any Android phone, it will be quite easy to talk to the vast majority of your contacts. The first thing you have to keep in mind is to update Google Duo to the latest version.

Then, you must go to the official Google application and access “More”, located in the lower right corner. A drop-down will open, choose Settings and finally Google Assistant. Within this option, you will see that in the services tab it says “Voice and video calls”. Don’t you see this function? Change the language of the voice assistant to English and this functionality will be activated.

Now, all you have to do is activate this function and you can now use the Google smart speaker to make calls through this application. Eye, that only Google Duo appears at the moment, but soon WhatsApp and even Telegram will be available, as we have indicated before. Therefore, it is better to start knowing how it works to get the most out of your Google Home.


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