How To Move Apps / Data On Google Pixel 2 & Pixel 2 XL

How To Move Apps On Google Pixel 2 And Pixel 2 XL 752x440
How To Move Apps On Google Pixel 2 And Pixel 2 XL 752x440

Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL offer unlimited possibilities that you haven’t seen in other phones yet. There are so many things in store for us when it comes to technology because it never stops growing. Every single year, inventors will always come up with something, and that is the beauty of innovation. The said device is more than just another phone. it has got elegance and knowledge hardwired in the system that will make it such a unique product for your own liking. There are unlimited possibilities about it, and I am sure that it will cater to any of your activities. Just learn how to explore the phone better.

We are going to teach you how to transfer your applications properly. It is important that you know how to manage and operate your phone properly to keep things in order. You can have some confusion that will bring you unfortunate things in the future. It is not that hard to manage your applications. It just takes some patience and learning that can allow you to do the process properly. Just follow that footstep on how to move the apps properly and everything will work out fine.

How To Move Apps / Data On Google Pixel 2 And Pixel 2 XL:

Moving the Apps in your Home Screen

  • Make sure that you are able to access your phone by turning it on and unlocking through your home screen.
  • When you open it, you will see all your installed applications unless you hid some otherwise.
  • Select and hold down the app that you want to move. it will be highlighted and just drag the icon to where you desire to place it.
  • If you want, you can also drag it to a new folder, and you will automatically see that folder in another screen.
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You are now able to transfer applications safely.


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