How To Mute Instagram Accounts Without Unfollowing Them

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Instagram 1

You can Mute Instagram accounts without Unfollowing them, thanks to the latest update on social networking app. Users of the app have already been able to Mute the stories of some or all of their followers which was added through an update a while back.

This led users to also demand a similar feature on for post and not just stories. Seems Instagram had not a choice than to include the features in the latest update, which is a welcomed update. I can’t even count how many times I’ve wished for this features.

There is no denying that some people post a lot of photos and videos on Instagram. Especially online marketers and social media influencers who post a lot daily about different products and services. Following this kind of people can have your timeline filled up with so many posts you can’t go through.

Obviously, you can Unfollow them but what if I don’t want to? Maybe the poster in question is a spouse, brother, sister or a very close friend? This feature offers a compromise of some sort; You keep on following them but lessen the load on your Timeline by no longer showing their posts. Great right?

How To Mute Instagram Accounts Without Unfollowing Them

This feature is available on both Instagram for Android and iOS. All you have to do is make sure you are on the latest version of the app. If you aren’t then head straight to Google Play Store or Apple App Store to update the Instagram app for your respective devices. After that, Follow the steps below.

  • Launch the Instagram App.
  • Scroll Through your TL and Locate a post from the user you would like to mute.

  • Tap on the Three Dots at the top right side of the post.

  • You should see the Mute Option there.

  • Click On it and you will presented with two options – Mute Posts or Mute Posts and Stories.

  • Choose the one you want and Refresh your Timeline for the Changes to take effect.

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That’s it. You’ve just successfully blocked that user’s posts and maybe stories from showing up on your Timeline. Now your timeline will have only the contents you want it to have, regardless of the number of people you’re following on Instagram.


Instagram said that the idea behind giving users the ability to Mute Instagram accounts without unfollowing them makes your Instagram experience feel even more personalized. You get to more control over what you see without having to unfollowing anyone you are already following.

This, to me, is a welcome development as there are so people you wouldn’t want to unfollow but also don’t want their incessant post flooding your timeline. What do you think of this feature? And will you be using it anytime soon? Let us know in the comment section down below.


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