How To Play PlayStation 4 Games On Your iPhone?


It is finally possible to play PlayStation 4 games on your iPhone.

This is the result of Sony’s most recent update to the PlayStation 4, which lets PS4 gamers stream their games to their iOS devices.

The service named “Remote Play” has been on the PS4 since its unveiling 6 years ago. For several years, Sony released Remote Play support to various devices like the PlayStation Vita, various Sony devices, PC, Mac, and now iOS.

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Remote Play on your iPhone or iPad does not let users pair a PlayStation 4 gamepad with a mobile device or tab that they are playing on. Rather, gamers will utilize an overlaid virtual button layout to enjoy the game.

Via the iOS application, PlayStation 4 Remote Play users will be allowed complete access to their full PlayStation 4 console and not only games.

To make use of Remote Play via your iPhone or iPad with your PlayStation 4, these instructions must be adhered to:

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  1. Ensure your PlayStation 4 is updated to firmware 6.50, which is currently available. Find all the instructions you need to get that done here.
  2. Get the iOS application downloaded. Get it on the App store here as well.
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When these instructions have been followed, power on your PS4 and launch the app. Then follow the steps given in the application.


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