How To Play YouTube Videos In Background on iPhone and iPad

Play YouTube Videos In Background
Play YouTube Videos In Background

Being able to play YouTube videos in the background on iPhone and iPad is something everyone would like to know how to do. YouTube traditionally stops both audio and videos as soon as you quit the app. This is done because YouTube expects you to pay for its YouTube premium to get this feature. With YouTube premium, you can play both audio and videos on the platform in the background along with an ad-free experience – No ads every time you wanna watch a video when you subscribe for YouTube premium.

However, There is a workaround for this and by this, I mean being able to play YouTube videos in the background on iPhone and iPad, not the no ads part. This workaround is gradually phasing out on iOS as newer versions of the operating system have somewhat boycotted this in order to make people subscribe for YouTube premium when the feature is. So If your iPhone or iPad is on iOS 9 or below then you can probably use the Safari browser for this but if you’re on iOS 10 or above then you’ll need to download another browser, preferably Opera Browser.

How To Play YouTube Videos In Background on iPhone and iPad

With this trick, you can get to listening to your favorite music or videos without your phone screen staying on and draining your battery. You can play the music or video in the background, slide your phone into your pocket and you’re good to go. To do this, follow the steps below.

  • – Using a Third-party browser (Not Safari Browser) Visit the YouTube Website.
  • – Search for the music you would like to play in the background and play it.
  • – Once it starts playing, hit the home button which will stop the music or video immediately.
  • – Now Swipe up to access the Control Center of your iPhone or iPad.
  • – You’ll see the music or video in the control center, Hit the Play Button and the music should start playing in the background.
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Just like that, you now have a YouTube Video playing in the background on your iPhone or iPad.

Note – When you open the browser you used or are using to play the YouTube in the background and Close it or go back home by hitting the home button, the video/audio will stop playing again and you’ll have to access the control center to play it again.


If you really don’t wanna go through this trouble each time you wanna play YouTube videos in the background on iPhone or iPad then you can simply subscribe for the YouTube premium. The plan cost about $13/Month I think and you’ll get to play any video you want in the background. Also, you get an ad-free YouTube.


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