How to Put Songs or Playlists on Repeat in Apple Music in iOS 13 on iPhone and iPad

Streaming 2017
Streaming 2017

Apple launched Apple Music back in 2015 and ever since it has been an instant hit. This is probably why the company has always improved the service or rather an app on its iOS devices. Apart from a few minor changes which the company has made, the feature to repeat songs and albums is one which has caught the attention of pretty much everyone interested in iOS. If you would like to learn how to do this, check out this guide to repeat or shuffle songs or playlists in Apple Music on iOS devices running iOS 13.

Getting to play songs on repeat in iOS 13 is a bit more complicated than it was in iOS 12. In the older software version, users could easily play a song on repeat by tapping Now Playing and then swiping up on the screen. The latest OS requires a few steps to be able to do this. Read on to learn how.

How to Shuffle Songs in Apple Music on iPhone and iPad Running in iOS 13

  1. First off, go to the Apple Music app on your iOS devices.
  2. Next up, tap on any song from any playlist to play it.
  3. While the song is playing, tap on the Now Playing strip. You can find it close to the bottom of the screen.
  4. Now, the Up Next section should display on the screen. Here, you will see the songs that will be played when the current songs end.
  5. Tap on the three horizontal lines at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  6. Now, the Repeat should appear on the right side of Up Next. Tap on it once and the album will be placed on repeat. If you want to place just the song on repeat, tap on it twice.
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You can know if a song is on repeat by checking the repeat icon. If it is on repeat, a small digit (1) will be displayed next to the two arrows.

That’s all!

So what do you think of the change in the method? Do you find it helpful? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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