How To Quickly Know A Computer Virus Infection


“How can I tell if my computer has a virus?”
“OMG, Is my PC infected with a virus?”
“I followed the rules; my Laptop could not have come in contact with a virus?”

If these questions are on your mind, just read the answers you seek below to know if that computer is infected or not.

1. Slow Browsing

A slower computer doesn’t automatically mean its a virus, but if there is a sudden enough change in speed, you might need to start considering that. Use a speed test to access your internet speed and use your computer’s task manager to measure its processing power. If either seems slower than it should be, perform a scan with your antivirus software.

2. Unexpected Happenings

Viruses are a pain to a computer. If your computer stops reacting to clicks, decides to open files you did not ask it to, scrolls or acts as if a key’s been pressed when it hasn’t, you may be experiencing computer virus symptoms. You operate the computer; it can’t be operating itself.

3. Sudden Freezing

Because viruses destroy your hard drive, they can make your computer experience a mega failure. If you’re lucky enough that your computer still turns on after a crash, make sure to run antivirus software to determine whether a virus was the reason for the breakdown.

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4. Error Messages

Your computer is aware of something being wrong before you, the owner. One of the most obvious symptoms of a computer virus is the sudden appearance of pop-up messages warning you about missing system or application files. Research these messages by asking Google to determine if you can diagnose a virus.

5. Emails Sent

Viruses try to expand themselves by email. If you observe emails in your sent box that you didn’t send, its probably a virus. If you get an email from a pal that seems suspicious, they might have a virus too. This is why you should stay away from clicking on links or opening attachments in questionable emails.

6. Hardware Issues

If you suddenly have issues with your PC’s display, such as mixing pixels or color problems, this can be a sign of a virus tormenting your system. A networked printer may also start acting strangely if it becomes infected. Remember, there are no guarantees that your computer will always show symptoms if it’s infected. Always perform regular system checks and virus scans to make ensure your computer is clean. Also, prevention is better than cure. Do not click on weird links in emails or pop-up ads to keep your computer safe from exposure.

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