How To Quickly Search A Website Using Shortcuts On iPhone & iPads

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iphone 1

A shortcut is a fast way to get one or more task done using your apps; shortcut apps give you access to creating your own shortcuts with multiple steps. In other words, Shortcut is a free app in IOS device that gives you access to run a complicated task with just a few buttons. You can make a shortcut, or you can grab premade ones. They are supported by iPhones, IPad, IPad touch, and apple watch. The most exciting benefits of shortcuts are that multiple actions can be combined into one overall task

If you know how to make use of apple shortcut apps, you will observe that the shortcut app is as powerful as you want to make it and it can do some incredible things. Some of the shortcut apps can’t be seen in the Gallery section of the shortcut apps. because of that, They can be regarded as “custom made.”

If you notice that you search a particular website for something virtually every day, you will in no doubt familiarize your self with the search operator. Use the address bar or precisely head to google and enter “ keywords” to search that site. For example, searching the TechVaz website for shortcuts will require “ shortcuts,” and you will be rewarded with the results

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It isn’t a complicated process but may be cumbersome to type out anytime. On doing the above. It brings you to the shortcut if you want to skip to the end and download the shortcuts, you can.


Step 1– open shortcuts and go to the little ”+” on the top right of the screen and tap it.

Step 2: search for “ask for input” and tap it. Do it again and again to create new actions.

Step 3: Insert some text into the two new actions, on doing that, you will be asked for the site you want to search, and then the keywords to use.

Step 4: look for a “TEXT” action and tap it. Enroll the “site” and then type the magic variable buttons.

Step 5– Select the first of the two input actions you created before now.

Step 6– Now type a space and select another magic variable; at this point, select the second input you created before now.

Step 7– Finally, take go to the “search web” action and tap it.

These are all it takes, run your shortcuts, and you will be amazed, is just like magic.

Is possible to run the shortcuts from the shortcut app, and then access it via a widget, better still, add it to your home screen

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Gone are the days when we devote many hours searching for a particular website, or surfing on the internet searching for important information especially on apple phones but at the end all the effort will seem to be abortive, the knowledge of shortcut apps, will lessen the grieve, and make things easier and faster for all apple users, follow the procedures as shown above and share the testimonies


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