How To Really Figure Out What Facebook Knows About You


In this article, we will be helping you unearth what Facebook knows about you.

The Cambridge analytical and Facebook Scandal is still dragging on. While Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg have admitted to the mistake on their part. They have also apologized numerous times as well as releasing an official statement about the breach.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough as a lot of users have gone on to numerous social media networking sites to let out their displeasure with hash tags like #DeleteFacebook and #BoyCottFacebook.

What Facebook knows about you

Even the former Whatsapp Co-owner, Jan Koum took to his social media account to urge people to delete their Facebook accounts. As well as The CEO Apple, Tim Cook who recently took a swipe at Facebook in an interview where he said the data breach was an “Invasion Of Privacy” into the personal lives of its users.

Mark Zuckerberg have since replied to Tim cook about the data breach and invasion in people’s private life but that’s besides the point. The whole privacy saga has caused some people to take a step back and reevaluate what they post on their Facebook page.

Facebook uses theses information that they know about to show you ads that are based on you likes, interest, activities and the rest. Although this is harmless on it own. But the thought that they have this information might be enough to chills down some people spine.

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Some Facebook users would like know what Facebook has on them before deciding if they would Temporarily and Permanently Delete Their Facebook Account. This guide will help find out the information about you that is on Facebook servers. From there, we will let you decide on what to do.

How To Discover What Facebook Knows About You

  1. Log On to Facebook on a computer.
  2. Click on Settings

  3. Click On Ads

  4. Here is where you will see Your Information Click on It.

This is where you’ll see just the basic information Facebook has about you. They also give out this information to advertisers in order to reach people based some specific information provided on the platform.

For example, if a company like pampers pays Facebook for their ads placement. This kind of ads will be shown to only females with kids. So if you’re a female but haven’t uploaded a picture of your baby on Facebook. The ads might not be shown to you.

Note – The example above is not exactly how it is done. That is just a calculated guess

If You want to see all of it, from pictures to posts and photos. Then follow the outlined steps that follows:

  1. Log On to your Facebook account.
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  • Click on Settings

  • Right there in General you will see Download a copy of your Facebook data click on it.

  • Enter your password and click Continue

  • An email will be sent to the email address attached to that Facebook account with a Download Link. The file will be in ZIP format which you will UnZip when you are done downloading the data.

    Inside this data is where you will find all of the photos, videos, posts, friends, messages and a lot of other stuffs. Basically everything you’ve done on Facebook since you registered.


    After seeing everything Facebook knows about you. One might decide its time to pack up, jump on the #DeleteFacebook train and leave Facebook for good. While some will just limit what they now post or put up on the platform. Including other social networking sites as a whole.

    Do let us know in the comment section if you will be deleting your Facebook account because of what Facebook knows about you or if it just doesn’t bother you.


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