How To Record Calls On Samsung Galaxy Note 8?


Recording a call on a mobile phone can be very useful in lots of situations.

If you want to listen again or keep it, it is always wise to record phone calls on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

But, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 does not offer a call recording feature and therefore, an app will be required.

In this tutorial, we will break down how it can be done and also discover the legal implications of recording calls on your Samsung smartphone.

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How Can I Record Calls On My Samsung Galaxy Note 8?

There are several applications that will let you record phone calls on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will highlight the best phone call recorder which is very useful and easy to use.

To begin, download and install the application on your Samsung device, launch it, and head to the parameters at the top right of your display. Right there, you are allowed to enable and disable the call recording feature. You can decide if its outgoing calls or incoming calls you will be focusing on, or both. It is also possible to not include numbers in the whitelist.

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Lastly, you will also be able to set a password to access the app. After doing all this, the calls will automatically get stored on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8. If you feel like listening to the audio of the convos saved on your phone, they will be in the location chosen in the settings on the “File Location” tab.

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Laws Regarding Recording Of Calls

If you decide to record your conversations with your Samsung Galaxy Note 8, it is best to know the laws related to it. The law states that the individual involved should be told beforehand that you intend to record it. Plus, recording a call without informing the second party is a crime.



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