How to record voice calls on the Samsung Galaxy S6

record calls on the Samsung Galaxy S6
record calls on the Samsung Galaxy S6

How to record calls on the Samsung Galaxy S6, there is an important feature that Samsung has implemented in the software code of the Galaxy S6 and S6 Galaxy Edge, but which has kept hidden and is the ability to record calls. Smartphones have the ability to record phone calls and the Samsung Galaxy S6 with the Galaxy S6 Edge are no exception.

If you are looking for the icon or button to activate the ability to record phone calls, know that you will not find anything. Although both devices are capable of handling this feature, Samsung has disabled this option, but it is still included in the software.

The reason why Samsung has disabled the feature on both phones is that this option is not allowed in all countries. It may be perfectly legal in some countries but prohibited in others.

If you live in a country that allows the recording of calls, follow the guide below to learn how to activate this option.

How to record calls on the Samsung Galaxy S6

How to do

Launch the file explorer on the phone and go to system / csc.

There is a file called others.xml. Open it with a file editor.

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Scroll to the end of the file and find the following lines:



Just above these two lines insert the following line:

CscFeature_VoiceCall_ConfigRecording> RecordingAllowed </ CscFeature_VoiceCall_ConfigRecording

Save the file and restart your phone.

Make a call.

You will see a button that starts along with the call.

Press the button again to stop recording.

This option can be used only if call recording is not prohibited in your country.

In some countries, it is allowed.

The phone call with another person unaware of being registered, not only does not constitute a crime but also does not damage privacy.

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