How To Register And Make Money Writing For Opera News Hub

Opera News Hub
Opera News Hub

Have you heard about Opera News Hub? Are you ready to know more about what it is all about? If yes, I applaud you for the wise decision because you can make a decent monthly income with the platform without owning a site. You just need to be ready to work 12 to 48hours a week, and adequate cash will be rolling in asap.

The Opera news hub is a new online media platform where content writers and bloggers can get the exposure they crave. It connects smoothly with other Opera mobile apps such as the default Opera mini browser, meaning, content creators can reach more international audience with added exposure.

Alongside all that, your social media followers will increase, and the spread of your content will be guaranteed across popular platforms. Long story short, you can expect more awareness as your content gets on the news hub and earn a decent income. See How To Register And Make Money Writing For Opera News Hub:

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How Can I Make Money with Opera News Hub:

This is not hard in any way, do not let the “blogger and content creation” term scare you. If you want to make proper cash with the opera news hub, you simply have to come up with exciting stories and publish them as at when due.

The least word count is 150 words, but you are free to go way higher. One important way to make more money on this platform is to write as much content as possible. If, for example, you make 10,000 naira from one article, imagine what you will be earning when you have more than 20 of such articles? It all boils down to your effort and the amount of time you are willing to spare.

How About If I Cannot Write Or Don’t Have The Time:

If this is the case for you, you have nothing to worry about. You can actually outsource the article writing for a little amount, and you will be fine. HIREWRITER is a brilliant platform for such if you have the token to spare.

Just imagine, you hire a writer to write an article for $2, and you end up making $15 for that article, you will be left with a $13 profit. To make things simpler, writers also get paid on the HIREWRITER platform as well.

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How To Start Making Money With Opera News Hub?:

1. Create an account:

Make Money Writing For Opera News Hub
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To sign up for an account, you have to visit the Opera News Hub. At the homepage, you see the picture below, just tap “Login/SignUp” to create your account. After that, a notification will be visible, asking you to continue with Facebook.

Make Money Writing For Opera News Hub
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After that, you will need to log in with your Facebook password, and this will lead you to your account set-up page.

The 1st page will need you to confirm your login, simply tap “confirm” and proceed to the next page, the one you see below.

Make Money Writing For Opera News Hub
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The page simply shows you your hub information and all to know about your blog on the Opera news hub.

1. Wemedia Name:

This is not your personal name, and it is the name you wish to give your blog on Opera news hub.

2. Category:

The category which your content will be based on. You can choose anyone because your content will not be restricted to the category you select.

3. Profile Photo:

This is your pic. It will be under every content you write.

2- Account Information:

The next step after your hub details is your account info, including how you will be paid.

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Make Money Writing For Opera News Hub
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Just fill out the form with your details and enter your Opay number as the means to get paid. As soon as everything is successfully filled out, you can proceed to your account and begin to publish content.

3. Publish your first content:

After setting it up properly and with your account activated, you can begin to publish content straight from your opera news hub dashboard.

Make Money Writing For Opera News Hub
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1. Article Title:

This is where your article is seen. Make sure you use a catchy title that will lure readers.

2. Content:

This is where the content is written, The H1 and H2 header features can be used to add headers to your content. As soon as you are done, swipe down and tap “publish.”

How Can I Get Paid With Opera News Hub?

  • 1 click will get you a traffic bonus of 0.036₦
  • 100 clicks will get traffic of bonus 3.6₦
  • 1,000 clicks will get you traffic of bonus 36₦
  • 10,000 clicks = traffic bonus of 360₦
  • 25,000 clicks = 2.5 * 360 = ₦ 900.

Because the opera news hub is a massive platform, it is very easy to get over 10,000 clicks within a short period of time. You also get paid for post share and comments.

Be aware that you need to avoid using words like:

  • Shocking
  • Shock
  • OMG
  • Unbelievable
  • Twitter goes wild
  • Amazing.

Why you may ask? They are seen as clickbait meant to lure readers into clicking. Adding them to your posts will make Opera disapprove of your content.

That is that.


  1. Pls i have been trying to register, but after it request for my opey referral code, how can I get this please help ooo


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