How To Remotely Log Out From Facebook On Another Device


Everyone should know how to remotely Log out from Facebook on another device before someone who owns the device you used to access your Facebook account does something with it. It is better safe than sorry, right?

Facebook is a fun place to chat with existing friends and also meet and make new ones so one might decide to jump on Facebook at any slightest opportunity, regardless of the device being used. Some use the office computer because there is usually free WiFi while some other use their friend’s phone, laptop or tablet when they don’t have enough data, or they do but theirs is low on battery.

Often times, we end up forgetting to log our from out Facebook account when we are done replying to those important messages/comments. Thankfully, Facebook keeps a log of every device you are still actively logged in from on their website. You can access this on your Facebook profile which we will be showing you how to do here.

How To Remotely Log Out From Facebook On Another Device

We will be accessing the Facebook Mobile Website using UC browser on Android device. So the layout might be different from yours if you’re accessing Facebook from let’s say a computer/laptop. Or using the Facebook app. However, the process still remains the same so let’s get started.

  • Go to the Facebook Website and Click on Settings & Privacy.
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  • Select Security.

  • This is where you will see “Where You’re Logged In” along with the recent devices on which you’re currently logged in.

  • Click on the See more to reveal the devices, Browsers used and the time at which you last accessed your Facebook account using the aforementioned browsers and devices.

  • Now click on “log out of all sessions” to logout out of any and all the devices you might have used to log in to Facebook, including the one you’re using at the moment.

Doing the above will end all sessions. You’ve just successfully logged yourself out on those devices/browsers. No one can Access your Facebook account from those devices. All you have to do now is log in back to your account and that device you are using right now will be the only device that will have access to your Facebook account.


You should really Log out from Facebook on another device if you are logged in on any. You never know who might use the device to try an access their Facebook account and stumble unto yours and probably do something you wouldn’t like about it.

If you’re the type to log into Facebook on any phone, tablet or laptop you come across, then I’ll suggest you check periodically. Just in case you forget to log out and the owner of the device didn’t after you left. Got any question(s)? Let us know using the comment section down below.

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