How To Reset Voicemail Password On Your iPhone?

The days of dialing a number, and then dialing your voicemail password when asked by a robotic voice are gone. These days, your voicemail password can be reset with a few clicks. This is amazing when you wish to safeguard those voicemails from the eyes and ears of everybody else.

Fortunately, your iPhone still lets you have a passcode for your voicemail in addition to the password you set to access your phone. See How To Reset Voicemail Password On Your iPhone?:

How Can I Reset My Voicemail Password On My iPhone?

  • Launch the Settings application on your iPhone.
  • Swipe down to the item “Phone.” This option has a green icon with a photo of a regular phone to the left of it. Click the option.


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  • On the next page, swipe down to the option named “Change Voicemail Password.” Unlike the remaining options listed, the text is colored blue. Click it.


  • You will be asked to type in a new voicemail password. You can type in a minimum of four, maximum of 10 words password.


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  • Immediately you have typed in your preferred password, click “Done” in the upper right-hand corner.
  • You will be asked to type in the new password again to make sure there are no mistakes. Do that and then tap “Done ” one more time.

That is that. You just changed your voicemail password.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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