How to see the lyrics of the songs on YouTube

YouTube Music Lyrics
YouTube Music Lyrics

Now YouTube Music allows us to see the lyrics of the songs on iOS and Android, in this guide we will see how to activate them.

Although it is not its main functionality, many of us use YouTube to listen to music, given the number of songs uploaded in different formats- official video clips, live concerts, songs with images, unofficial versions.

In addition, we can also use YouTube Music, Google’s streaming music service with which we can enjoy our favorite music

In fact, it has become the musical app par excellence of the Mountain View company and it is speculated that it could replace Google Play Music as an app pre-installed on Android phones.

Be that as it may, the truth is that YouTube is recently adding important features, such as the ability to upload your music library, compatibility with Siri or the option to control it from Waze while driving.

Now, following Spotify’s example, YouTube Music already allows us to see the lyrics of the songs we are listening to both on iOS and Android and without having to resort to third-party applications. Let’s see how to activate this function.

How to see the lyrics on Youtube music

YouTube Music allows us to enjoy our videos and songs for free with advertisements. 

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If we want to avoid advertising, we can use the YouTube Music Premium subscription, a subscription that costs 9.99 euros per month and which also allows us to download the songs on our device and use the application in the background. The free version is practically the same as Spotify, but with the ability to watch videos of our songs.

After several weeks of testing, Google has activated an option in YouTube Music that shows us the lyrics of the song currently playing. This new feature is available for iOS and Android users, regardless of whether they use the free or paid version.

To activate that function you need to click on the information icon that appears on the left side of the song title. Then, the tab of the song will be displayed with the title, the channel information and, immediately below, the lyrics of the song.

Be careful, it only works with the device vertically (when you rotate it and put the video in full screen, the lyrics disappear) and it does not behave like karaoke, but you have to manually scroll through the lyrics as the playback proceeds. 

However, it seems that Google is working on a new interface for the YouTube music player with a new sliding panel at the bottom that will allow us to consult the playlist and lyrics of the song in an easier way.

  How to Upload Songs to YouTube Music for Free


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