How To Set Up Steam Link On Your iOS Device?


It took so long but the Steam Link application is finally available on iOS devices.

This application lets you connect to and stream your preferred stream straight from your PC to your iOS devices.

You do not even need be on the same internet connection for it to get the job done, even if the initial setup does not need it, you can stream your games from wherever.

Simply put, It is amazing.

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How Can I Set Up My Steam Link Application?

  1. Open Steam on your PC.
  2. Select “Big Picture.”
  3. Access the Steam Link application on your iOS device.
  4. Click “Connect Bluetooth controller.” on your screen.
  5. Have the Bluetooth controller paired and connected to your iOS device. This has to be done based on the instructions for your controller.
  6. Select the PC you want to stream to.
  7. A code will be visible on your iOS device. You will have to type in the code into your Steam launcher on your PC.
  8. As soon as the application and the PC are connected, your connection status will visible on your screen. Click “Start Playing.”
  9.  And enjoy your Steam games.
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