How to solve the most common problems of macOS 10.14 Mojave

Mojave FaceTime
Mojave FaceTime

Apple has recently released the latest version of its operating system for its Mac, iMac and MacBook computers and, although it brings many new features, there are also some issues that users are reporting.

This is not new – these issues are quite common when new operating systems are released. If you experience problems, do not panic as we’re going to find and fix most of the most common MacOS 10.14 Mojave problems with this article.

In the following weeks and months it is normal that there will be many other small bugs and problems that will be reported – for this reason this list could change over time.

Before going into things, one problem that is more troubling is that there have been reports of a bug macOS Mojave zero-day that could be exploited to steal your personal data. No fix is available yet, so keep this page flagged and update it as soon as Apple releases an update that fixes the issue.

The most common problems of macOS 10.14 Mojave? We start with the download

Let’s start well, right? A common problem of MacOS Mojave is that the operating system is not downloaded, with some users who are seen delivering an eloquent error message that reports the download MacOS Mojave has failed.

Another download problem connected to MacOS Mojave is The installation of macOS cannot continueThe installation requires downloading important content. That content can not be downloaded right now. Try again later“.

There are some reasons why you might have this problem. It could be because many people are trying to download MacOS Mojave at the same time. If this is the problem, please try again later to see if the download works. You can also check the live status of Apple servers to make sure everything is fine and there are no hardware problems.

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The MacOS Mojave download may fail even if you do not have enough space available on your Mac. To be sure, open the Apple menu and click About This Mac.

Select Memory and then check that you have enough space on your hard drive. At least 12.5 GB is required to install the operating system in question. If you are upgrading from OS X Yosemite or earlier, you need 18.5 GB of free space.

If you are having problems with the macOS Mojave download, try to find out the Install macOS 10.14 files and uninstall it, then restart the Mac and try to download macOS Mojave again.

If you still have problems downloading the operating system, open the App Store, click on View my account and check if there is something in the section Download incomplete. You may be able to restart the download from there.

Problems with the installation of macOS 10.14 Mojave

First of all, make sure you have a Mac that can run MacOS Mojave. Not all Apple devices can run the new operating system. Even if the new devices do not have problems in this sense, here is the list of compatible Macs:

  • MacBooks (released in 2015 or newer)
  • MacBook Air (released in 2012 or newer)
  • MacBook Pro (released in 2012 or newer)
  • Mac mini (released at the end of 2012 or more recent)
  • iMac (released at the end of 2012 or more recent)
  • iMac Pro (released in 2025)
  • Mac Pro (only models with GPU compatible with Metal)

If you have a Mac compatible and the MacOS Mojave download is complete, but there is no requirement for the installation to continue, look for the previously mentioned Install macOS 10.14 file in the Mac application folder. Try double-clicking on it to start the installation.

Installation problems related to missing space

If you encounter the MacOS Mojave issue where the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, restart your Mac and press Control and R during startup to access the Restore menu. Then select Disk boot to boot normally, then remove all unnecessary files.

After freeing up enough space, try installing again.

If MacOS Mojave encounters a problem at the end of the installation and shows an error message, restart your Mac and press Command + Option + R on the keyboard while the Mac starts to start the installation recovery.

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If your Mac still fails to boot, follow Apple’s instructions on creating a boot disk.

macOS Mojave does not install from an external unit

There have been several reports pointing out how Mojave does not install from an external hard drive.

People who have experienced this problem suggest that it could be caused if you are using an external hard drive connected to a Mac via a USB-C adapter. If you are experiencing a similar experience, try connecting the hard disk directly to a Thunderbolt 3 port, or try a different adapter.

Other types of problems

Once the new operating system is installed, the problems are not over. According to many users, in fact, there are several problems registered during the use of the long-awaited MacOS 10.14 Mojave.

From here on we will tackle all the major bugs recorded in the post-installation phase.

The Mac will not restart after installation

If you have installed MacOS Mojave, but your Mac does not boot, manually restart it and hold CommandOptionP and R to reset the NVRAM.

Hold the keys down until the computer is rebooted when you hear the OS startup sound the second time, then release the keys.

The thumbnails of the files are not displayed on the desktop

Some people have found that after the installation of macOS Mojave, previews of some files (especially about PDFs and images) are not displayed.

A solution can be to clear the icon cache by starting your Mac in safe mode, then turning it off and restarting normally.

Bluetooth does not work

Some people have encountered a problem where Bluetooth devices have problems with Macs with MacOS Mojave.

To solve this problem, try opening the Finder and then clicking Go in the top menu, then Go to Folder … and type / Library / Preferences.

From there, you should see a file called Select it, then restart the Mac and try connecting the Bluetooth device again.

The Mac is slow after installing MacOS 10.14 Mojave

If your Mac is extremely slow after installing MacOS Mojave, the problem may be caused by the automatic launch of third-party apps. Having too many apps loaded at the same time slows down your Mac, but if among them there is any problem of compatibility with the new version of the operating system, the slowdowns could be very substantial.

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To resolve this issue, uninstall any apps you no longer use and upload when you start your Mac. You can also open the Apple menu and select System Preferences. From the window that appears, click Users and Groups, then select Login items, then select the apps you want to stop on startup and click the small minus sign below the list.

It is also worth making sure that all your apps are up-to-date. Check the App Store for any updates available or on the app’s specific website.

You can also try restarting your Mac to see if this helps. Otherwise, forcibly close all apps that seem to occupy a lot of RAM. You can identify them using Activity Monitor (available in / Applications / Utilities ) to determine which apps and processes are using most of the CPU or RAM. Its CPU tab lists the active processes, with a real-time view of what is happening on your Mac.

To force an object to close, click on it in the Activity Monitor list, and then click on the X to the left of the toolbar, then confirm that you want to force it to close.

To further boost the performance of your Mac, free up the RAM of your device.

Some apps do not work with macOS 10.14 Mojave

Another common problem with MacOS Mojave is that some apps no longer work after upgrading to the new operating system.

This is particularly common if you use programs not particularly followed and updated by the developers. If you find that an app used on Mac OS 10.14 Mojave does not work, the first thing to do is to verify that you have downloaded and installed any recent software updates. You should also check the software website. This may contain updates or tips to make your hardware work even on the new operating system.

If your software is very old, it may no longer be compatible with MacOS Mojave. In this case, you should consider finding a more recent alternative.

The new MacOS Mojave also favors 64-bit apps, with older 32-bit applications that show an alert when launched by saying that the app is not optimized for your Mac. For best results when using apps in macOS 10.14 Mojave, make sure you have installed the 64-bit version of the app.

macOS Problems with the Mojave battery

Does your MacBook’s battery life become short after installing MacOS Mojave?

If so, you can quickly investigate the cause of battery discharge by opening the Finder, then going to Applications – Utilities – Monitor Activity – Energy.

From there you will see a chart with how much energy is taking the individual programs you are using. If a specific app consumes a disproportionate amount of resources, you can look for an alternative that is less expensive in terms of energy consumption.


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