How To Step Up Your Phone Hygiene Tips In The Wake Of Coronavirus


When you think about the number of times you pick up your smartphone to send an SMS, read notifications and updates, track coronavirus updates, e.t.c, you will realize the fact that you really cannot do without that Android or iOS device.

As the deadly virus keeps spreading all across the globe, the importance of adhering to useful hygienic practices cannot be overemphasized. However, your hygiene moves should not stop on yourself alone since, as I wrote above, your devices are a part of you too.

Even if there is not enough proof that our smartphones can harbor the coronavirus, compared to doorknobs and handles that attracts more hands, it will not cost you anything to still be very cautious. Research has even proven that your mobile phone is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat, and the bacterias responsible can actually cause serious infections that nobody wants. To keep you safe during this period, see How To Step Up Your Phone Hygiene Tips In The Wake Of Coronavirus:

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Phone Hygiene Tips Coronavirus

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1. Clean your phone case and phone surface with a microfiber cloth

Cleaning with only a dampened microfiber cloth by swiping up and down the surface area of your display can safeguard your phone screen from scratches. If you prefer to use more substances like sanitizers to make sure you disinfect, you have to first study the guidelines on mobile care of your phone and know more about the material and design of your phone case.

To proceed, make use of a dampened cloth and any sanitizer that comes with 70% alcohol percentage. These sanitizers guarantee a slower rate of evaporation of alcohol off your phone’s surface and it is super safe for your skin.

2. Clean where you will place your phone on

It is not just important for you to clean your phone, it is also vital to clean the area where your device is to be placed. This could be a chair, table, the top of the TV e.t.c.

3. Use your earphones

As you already know, fewer people will come in contact with your device when you use your earphones compared to when you do not. This is because, when you use your headphones, it will most likely be close to you, but when you do not, it could expose it to intruders. In addition to that, with your earphones, you can definitely decrease contact with your face which can cause skin irritation.

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Phone Hygiene Tips Coronavirus

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4. Do not use your phone while eating

I am aware that this is a habit for most people but avoiding it will ensure germs and bacteria are not re-introduced from your phone’s surface to your hands.

5. Wash your hands

This has to happen regularly. There are several demonstration clips online and they all show you how to wash your hands properly for about twenty seconds. Your thumbs and the back of your hands are not left out.

That is that.


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