How To Stream VLC Videos From MAC To Apple TV Using Airplay

VLC and Apple TV
VLC and Apple TV

We will be teaching you how you can mirror or stream VLC videos from Mac to Apple TV using airplay. Airplay, formerly known as AirTunes allows wireless streaming of photos, videos, and audios between iOS device. This basically allows you to share the content of one iOS device to another iOS device. However, in this guide, we will be looking at how to just use Airplay to stream VLC videos from Mac to Apple TV.

Being able to stream your VLC videos from Mac to Apple TV using airplay basically gives you a bigger screen. Let’s say you want to watch a movie or series and you feel your MacBook screen is kinda small. You can simply transfer it to a bigger screen. Now, there are video players that can do this but VLC is definitely the go-to choice; It is widely used, has a nice interface and can virtually play all kinds of video format out there.

By now, you know already know you need to have the VLC media player installed on your MacBook. If you don’t have it installed then you should install it. Already have it installed? Make sure it is updated before following the below steps.

How To Stream VLC Videos From MAC To Apple TV Using Airplay

Thankfully, we don’t need any other third-party for this. Well, except for the VLC media player which almost every Mac user has Installed already.

  • First off, make sure your MacBook and your Apple TV are connected to the same WiFi Network.
  • Open the video you wish to stream to your Apple TV using VLC media player on your Mac.

  • Now, Click on the TV Icon at the top right side of the screen which will bring out all the devices connected to the same WiFi network.

  • Select Apple TV from the drop down Menu.

  • After that, Click on Audio in the top Left side of the VLC media screen and Select Audio Device to access the audio settings. This is where you get to make sure that the Airplay is ticked/marked/Selected.

  • Now, Click on Video just beside audio to Choose the suitable video option. (Recommended; Full Screen)

  • After that, you can now go ahead and play any video of your choice and see it stream to your Apple TV.

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There you have it. How to stream VLC videos from Mac to Apple TV using Airplay. You can also stream audio files using the above method or view the photos on your MacBook on your Apple TV. If you run into any trouble while trying to carry out the above steps then let us know by using the comment section down below so we can help.


  1. This is not how to stream from VLC to Apple TV, this is how to use Airplay to extend the desktop. That is a totally different thing.

  2. >This is not how to stream from VLC to Apple TV, this is how to use Airplay to extend the desktop. That is a totally different thing.


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